
Different prices for Different customers + stock control

LarissaLarissa Member Posts: 4

Hi, I started looking at wave today and I have a couple of questions that will determine if I can keep using it. I like what I see so far.

I'm a manufacturer and retailer and sell my products to different types of customers. Depending on who they are, they either get charged full, trade, retail or a wholesale price.

I've seen how you can add a discount line, but this isn't really how I want to display it on the invoice as sometimes people can order 20+ products and adding a discount line to each line would be a right PITA. I'd rather have the line item price to be their price that they are entitled to. Is there any way to do this?

Also, can the customer record have that discount associated to it so when you raise an invoice for them it automatically gives them their correct discounted price on the invoice? I have thousands of customers and it would just be far to hard to keep track of who is who and entitled to what.

And my last question is, can Wave maintain how much of each stock item there is and report on how what sales there were by stock item?

Apologies if these have been answered else where, I've had a dig through and cant see anywhere that these things are possible, and the discount one particularly is a show stopper for me.

Thanks in advance...

edited August 29, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Larissa,

    Let's do this point-by-point.

    On discounts

    No, there isn't really another way to handle discounts in Wave at this time. As an alternative to entering a discount line for every item, could you create variations of each of your products for each different price? It would a bit of upfront work, but in the long-term, it might be simpler to have a few copies of the same item than add a discount to each. You could have "Item name", "Trade - Item name", "Retail - Item name" and "Bulk - Item name", each with different prices.

    On discounts linked to customers

    No, that isn't possible in Wave at this time. Discounts have to be handled individually for each invoice.

    On Inventory management

    Most Wave users operate small businesses who sell a service, rather than businesses that sell products. Given that we want to focus on building features that help as many Wavers as possible, this means that features like inventory management, which mainly benefit businesses that sell products, haven't been prioritized. We do offer a workaround for inventory management on the Help Center, but it will only keep track of the value of your stock, of the amount.

    I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news in all three cases. However, I'd be more than happy to forward your comments to our product team as a series of feature suggestions. I can't promise these will be added to Wave, but I can absolutely make sure your post makes it to the right folks.

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    LarissaLarissa Member Posts: 4

    Hi Alexia
    I appreciate your point by point reply to me. Unfortunately I can see that while this is awesome software, it's just not quite there with what I need. I love that it is in constant development, so i will keep an eye on it from time to time to see if that area is being developed. Happy to be a tester of those functions should you need.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm sorry to hear that, @Larissa, but I understand where you're coming from. I hope we'll be a better fit for your business someday! Thank you for giving us a shot!

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    BWI_BWI_ Member Posts: 14

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @Larissa,

    Let's do this point-by-point.

    On discounts

    No, there isn't really another way to handle discounts in Wave at this time. As an alternative to entering a discount line for every item, could you create variations of each of your products for each different price? It would a bit of upfront work, but in the long-term, it might be simpler to have a few copies of the same item than add a discount to each. You could have "Item name", "Trade - Item name", "Retail - Item name" and "Bulk - Item name", each with different prices.

    On discounts linked to customers

    No, that isn't possible in Wave at this time. Discounts have to be handled individually for each invoice.

    On Inventory management

    Most Wave users operate small businesses who sell a service, rather than businesses that sell products. Given that we want to focus on building features that help as many Wavers as possible, this means that features like inventory management, which mainly benefit businesses that sell products, haven't been prioritized. We do offer a workaround for inventory management on the Help Center, but it will only keep track of the value of your stock, of the amount.

    I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news in all three cases. However, I'd be more than happy to forward your comments to our product team as a series of feature suggestions. I can't promise these will be added to Wave, but I can absolutely make sure your post makes it to the right folks.

    @Alexia do a poll and you might get a shock of how many people sell products vs services in wave

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @BWI_,

    I understand that this answer can be frustrating, but while Wave does have many users who sell products, they do not represent a majority of Wavers. With that said, we're always interested in learning more about you and your business, and if you'd like to help us with that, consider signing up to be a Wave Innovator here. It's one of the best ways to let us know about your needs.

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    BWI_BWI_ Member Posts: 14
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    LarissaLarissa Member Posts: 4

    Just checking in 2 years later, are any on my wish list available now?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Larissa . At the moment, nothing has changed with the 3 points of functionality that you requested about above. We do appreciate you checking in to see how things have progressed, and I encourage you to continue doing so in the future!

    edited April 28, 2020
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    LarissaLarissa Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for reviewing this old post and letting me know.
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