Using Wave in other countries

GillianInsideOutGillianInsideOut Member Posts: 2

Hi there! I have had no problem setting up wave invoicing from here in Switzerland, but I'm getting nowhere with connecting bank accounts, downloading bank statements or collecting receipt information. Does anyone else have problems like this? Is it that Wave can't cope with other currencies of languages? I have sent a request for help but solar haven't heard anything. Is there anyone out there using wave from other, European countries? I'd love to hear from you! :0)


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @GillianInsideOut,

    If your bank simply does not appear on our list of supported banks, making a request on the Bank Connections page is the best way to make your needs known. We use a third-party data provider for our bank connection system, so we don't have direct say over which banks will be added to their list. They follow their own priority order when doing so, which takes into account the number of requests they've received for a given bank, among other details.

    For the receipts, Wave's Receipts app only scans for the total of a receipt, and for the date. Everything else needs to be entered manually, including the currency. That means that you'll have to add a description, a vendor and details about taxes manually. We also recommend reviewing the date and total, since the quality of the receipt's print job as well as of you're phone's camera can impact how well our app can read that information.

    Finally, let's get to your bank statement. It's difficult to say exactly what might've happened without seeing a few lines of the bank statement. Could you share a screenshot with any private information obfuscated? You might also find a resolution for your issues on this page, where you'll find a guide on how to upload a statement in CSV format.

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