Collaborator permission

JViljoenJViljoen Member Posts: 2

Is there a way to prevent collaborator to see statements


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @JViljoen,

    Your collaborators won't be able to see your banking details but will be able to see the transactions that were entered to Wave. If your transactions are kept up to date and virtually identical to your bank statement, they'll have access to that. They'll also have access to your reports.

    Can you give me a bit more details about your situation? Who would you want to bring in as a collaborator and to what end? I've seen a few other users who wanted to bring their sales staff in as collaborator but restrict access to only include invoices. Is that your case?

  • JViljoenJViljoen Member Posts: 2

    I appreciate your response. Exactly that. I Want to restrict sales staff to creating invoices

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @JViljoen. It isn't possible to do this right now, but there have been quite a few discussions about a feature like this one on the Community recently.

    While I can't promise this feature will be added to Wave, I can tell you that feedback from Wavers has a significant impact on how we choose what to build next for Wave. Thank you for taking the time to share yours.

  • thereforetherefore Member Posts: 1

    @Alexia I am evaluating different accounting systems to migrate to (we're on FB Classic / QB Online) and I can tell you that not having the ability to setup Account Managers with limited access to our financials is a blocker to adopting Wave.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @therefore, I know that this doesn't fill an immediate need for your right now, but we're currently working on making the user permissions more granular to allow for this level of flexibility in how you can grant access to certain users on your account. I can't guarantee an ETA, but I just wanted to let you know that these changes are on the horizon.

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