
Feature Request - Link Receipt to Bill

dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

One thing I'd love to be able to do is link a receipt to a bill! It just seems odd for the 2 systems to be disjointed, and would make it much easier to find receipts.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @dpDesignz,

    You can! It's not the most convenient process, but you can use the transaction created by uploading a receipt as a bill payment. Just enter that receipt as you usually would, choosing whatever expense account is the most appropriate. Once the transaction appears on your "Transactions" page, change the category to "Payment for a Bill made in Wave", and choose the appropriate bill.

    I can absolutely see why you would want that process to be a little more obvious, however. I'll pass your feedback along!

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @dpDesignz,

    You can! It's not the most convenient process, but you can use the transaction created by uploading a receipt as a bill payment. Just enter that receipt as you usually would, choosing whatever expense account is the most appropriate. Once the transaction appears on your "Transactions" page, change the category to "Payment for a Bill made in Wave", and choose the appropriate bill.

    I can absolutely see why you would want that process to be a little more obvious, however. I'll pass your feedback along!

    Does it display on the page of the bill? I was aware you could "merge" it on the transaction page, but that's all I thought it did?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @dpDesignz,

    No, it won't. It just allows you to consolidate those transactions into one, which will mention the receipt on the transactions page, but you won't be able to see that receipt directly from the Bills page. Your bill payments do appear on bills, but only as a single line with limited information.

    Do you find that you often need to track down the receipt for a bill in Wave?

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    Hey @Alexia, I think the receipt information only needs to be a single line as well, just a link saying something like "receipts attached to invoice" and then you can click on it to go to it. Yes I am trying to track down receipts often. Especially at the end of the financial year to check things. It would just make it smoother instead of having to have multiple tabs open to view information.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for following up with those extra details, @dpDesignz!

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    HandymanHeadleeHandymanHeadlee Member Posts: 45

    Just stumbled across this older post, and what I actually want to do is link a receipt to an invoice. Is that possible? We purchase materials for specific clients/jobs and are reimbursed by the client. Right now I'm scanning the receipts in via the Receipts app, which helps with accounting and reconciliation, but it would be great to be able to add a customer or invoice number to each receipt and have it appear on their invoice.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @HandymanHeadlee - it isn't possible yet, but this is something we're looking at at having (attachments to invoices. Right now there isn't a direct way to link the two, but you could record the receipt for the expense, and then claim that expense as a reimbursable one on an invoice along these lines. While not tethering the two transactions directly, it would leave a thorough paper trail.

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    HandymanHeadleeHandymanHeadlee Member Posts: 45

    Thank you @Samd. This is how we're currently handling this :) If Wave is working on being able to link these kind of expenses to invoices, you might also consider the ability to add markup to those expenses. For example, we purchase supplies for clients, and typically mark those costs up either by a percentage or a flat fee to cover our time/travel. The ability to link a receipt/expense to an invoice, and then additionally be able to add an adjustment (credited to a different income account) would be awesome!

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