
Notification when invoice create (reminder to send)

PackWebPackWeb Member Posts: 11

I cannot automatically send my recurring invoices as I like to change the description to reflect the dates a client's web hosting is paid for. So I send them manually. However Wave doesn't seem to let me know when a recurring invoice has been created so I know it's ready to manually send. They just sit there waiting for me to login and see them.

Can I request the ability to setup a notification/reminder for me to send a recurring invoice manually once it's been created?



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @PackWeb,

    Thank you for the suggestion! Could you share a bit more about your invoicing process? Is there a reason why you would want the invoice date and the payment date to match? The more you can tell us, the better we'll understand your needs and the better we'll be able to assess how much impact a feature like this would have.

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    PackWebPackWeb Member Posts: 11

    So I invoice clients for their web hosting for the next 12 months. The line item on the invoice is 'Web hosting', and the description reads, for example, '6th Sept. 2018 - 6th Sept. 2019' (so they know that they're paying for web hosting for the next 12 months and can keep their own record of when it expires). I'm not referring to the invoice date or the paid date, just the description field of my line item.

    I setup recurring invoices (since they happen each year, and I'm hoping to maybe move to monthly billing in the future), but as I need to manually change the description to the web hosting start/end dates for that client, I can't set invoices to send automatically.

    Hope that helps explain my situation better. Let me know if you require anything further.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @PackWeb, I do understand quite a bit better. I can also see clearly how this feature would be helpful in your situation. I'll pass your feedback along!

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