Invoice with future date not on dashboard

EscobarEscobar Member Posts: 1


I'm not sure if I did it correct but I've few invoices with date of 1/October and they don't show up on dashboard as "Invoices payable to you" in any period but if I change the invoice date for yesterday they works fine.

Is this correct or it's a problem?


  • OrionsBeltsOrionsBelts Member Posts: 27 ✭✭

    That makes sense, @Escobar, since it will only be recorded to your income and accounts receivable on the invoice date. The invoice basically doesn't exist until then.

    If you want it to exist but have a payment due date in the future, make the invoice date today (or in the past) and the payment due date on October 1st. It feels like it's what you're aiming to do.

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