
Multiple Emails to Communicate with Customers

HaddersHadders Member Posts: 5

Multiple Emails to Communicate with Customers

Is there a way to add multiple Emails for one customer to dend out account detail


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Hadders,

    There currently isn't a way to add multiple email addresses to a single customer's profile. You can add new recipients to an invoice when sending it, but they have to be added manually.

    Is this a frequent request from your clients?

    There have been quite a few discussions on the Community lately about a feature like this one. I can't promise this will be added to Wave, but I can say that we do pay attention to the needs of our users and that we take your comments into account when choosing what to build next.

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    HaddersHadders Member Posts: 5


    Thanks yes our Customers normally need to send atleast 2 mails per reciept and invoice one for Finacial officer and one for owner of cost centre.

    We as a customer are moving more into positioning or wanting to Postion the Wave Property management solution to customers.

    is there a way we can customize reports to be in line with SA legal Requirements.

    Thanks for the hel we believe in your product and We feel that there is a great need for your Product is whole of Africa ins the small and medium enterprise space.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Hadders,

    Thank you for following up. I'm more than happy to pass your feedback along. It isn't possible to customize reports at this time, but if you tell me more about those requirements, I'd be more than happy to forward them to our product team. I can't promise that our reports will be adapted to meet those requirements, but I can make sure the right people on this end are aware of them.

    With more information, I might also be able to suggest alternatives.

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    HaddersHadders Member Posts: 5


    @Alexia We will do some dummy reports and see what we need to do. Or how we dan make suggestions.

    We planning to integrate the reporting with a Mobile App for the customers.

    Thanks for you support as always appreciated.


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