Uncategorised expenses

MATSMATS Member Posts: 3

Hi there. In my profit & loss statement I have a lot of uncategorised expenses, but in fact I categorise each one on the app as I go. What have I done wrong? Is it to do with connecting and disconnecting my bank account?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MATS,

    It's difficult to say what might've happened without knowing more. Could you go to your transactions page and filter your transactions so that only uncategorized expenses appear? You'll see all of them there.

    If you upload your receipts AND have an active bank connection, you have to merge the transactions from your receipts and the ones uploaded from your bank manually otherwise, you will end up with duplicates. Is that what's happening?

    edited September 11, 2018
  • MATSMATS Member Posts: 3

    I think that’s what’s happening. I’m not in a position to check just now but I will over the weekend. How do I reconcile this? I’d prefer not to have my bank account attached. What’s the best workaround? Thank you

  • MATSMATS Member Posts: 3

    Hi there. It appears to be what’s happening. if I delete them all on my computer will they still be saved through the app?

    edited September 13, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MATS,

    You can disconnect your bank account from the Bank Connections page when logged in on the Website. You would usually need to merge the transaction uploaded from your bank to the one created by your receipt. You can do that by selecting both matching transactions and clicking on the "Merge" button.

    Deleting receipts will delete them from your account entirely, but won't remove the transaction that was created when those receipts were verified. The receipt and it's matching transaction exist independently in Wave after the receipt was verified, so changing one won't affect the other. Your very best option here is to go through your Transactions page and compare it to your bank statement, merging or removing duplicate transactions to your Transactions page on Wave and your statement match up.

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