Email transfer

thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

I am trying to change the owner email to something else. The person who has this email is currently a collaborator.

I want to check the following is possible before I make a mess as I know I can't just give the account across.

1 - Remove them as collaborator.
2 - Add as owner email and make primary.
3 - Remove old email (I use it as collaborator elsewhere) from owner.
4 - Add old email back but this time as collaborator.

Now, what I am concerned about.

1 - Will the existing email still work as a collaborator on the other account it is associated with or will they need to be added again.
2 - Will the new email automatically be a collaborator on those accounts (i.e. it effectively associated a person not an email).
3 - Will the password for the new email be my old one or that emails existing one?
4 - (Relating to 1), does the original email account cease to exist altogether and if so can it be used again or already "used". Same point applies on removing an email as a collaborator and adding as owner. Can this be done or needs to be new one completely?

Sorry, I know complicated but seems no other way of just giving ownership of account across. I have seen the guide on transferring things and it is similar to the above process but does not address the concerns I mentioned underneath.


edited September 9, 2018 in Technical Support


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @thomssi,

    You won't be able to do this without closing the collaborator's account entirely first. You can't add a new email to a Wave account if it's already attached to another Wave account. So here, your first step is to close the collaborator's account.

    Let's go through your questions one-by-one.

    1. They'll have to be added again. They'll be set as a collaborator for the same businesses the original business owner's currently is. Essentially, what you'll be doing is deleting the collaborator's account, and then replacing the email on the Business Owner's account by the collaborator's email. They'll have exactly the same access the business owner has.
    2. Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, I've already answered this. If I am misunderstanding, could you give me a bit more information about what you mean?
    3. The password to log into this Wave account will be the Business Owner's. The easiest way to explain this is that, from Wave's point of view, you aren't changing ownership of the business, you're just changing the email address on this account. It will stay exactly like it was in every other way.
    4. If the email is removed, it won't be linked to a Wave account anymore. If you want to add it again as a collaborator, the owner of that email will be asked to create a new Wave account.

    I hope this clears things up. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

    Hi @Alexia,

    Got it to work thanks.

    I now have another problem......

    As owner I had access under settings to a data export that seems to have gone away (where it would email me reports of everything, including individual transactions). This seems not available as collaborator (and I set myself as a collaborator before handing over so I gave myself full access as far as possible).

    I know some things are restricted but I find it odd the reporting is one of them. Is there any way to get hold of these reports other than getting the owner to mail them to me? I am effectively acting CFO of this business (temporarily and I don't own it hence transfer).


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @thomssi,

    No, the Global Export feature is only available for the business' owner. You'll still have access to all of the reports from the reports page, however.

    Can I ask what information you wish you had access to? Maybe I can offer an alternative way to get the same insight, or at the very least gather information to forward to our product team as feedback on how Wave handles collaborators as it is now.

  • thomssithomssi Member Posts: 27

    Hi @Alexia

    Thanks for the reply.

    The accounting file in the data export. I can get the owner to send it to me.

    I am a Chartered Accountant and while the Wave reporting is fine it has limitations so for certain things I may want to analyse externally. E.g. the p&l report does not fit with US GAAP or IFRS. Anyway, the full transaction listing makes this possible but the built in reports have less info. I'm also just curious why this would be omitted or why a "full access" collaborator is not available, at least in terms of reporting. As it stands if you view owner as CEO and a collaborator as potentially CFO then it would be strange for a CFO not to have full financial access even if limited in terms of bank related things. As it stands I am collaborator on a couple of companies. One I am an advisor, the other I am CFO so it is pretty much necessary for me to have access to discharge my duties properly.



    edited September 13, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I can't speak to the "why" of this, myself, but I understand where you're coming from in this comment, @thomssi.

    There has been a lot of talk on the subject of collaborator permission customization around the Community in the last few weeks, I'd be happy to add this piece of feedback to the others. If we do end up expanding control over collaborator permissions, we might also want to consider access to the global export feature as an option. Thank you for sharing!

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