Collaborator can't see > Accounting > Transactions ?

I have been a collaborator for a handful of different Business' on Wave. I just was invited to collaborate on a client's account but when I try to enter transactions I just see the following message:
Contact the business owner to import transactions.
Business owners can import transactions directly via their online bank,
by uploading a bank statement, or by entering manual transactions.
How can I enter "manual" Income/Expense line items as I've been doing for the last few years using wave?
This message is not passable, there are no buttons or options on the transaction page? I'm a collaborator with "View & Edit" perms. Any Ideas?
Hi, @joe88,
Can you share a screenshot of what you're seeing? As the business owner created any transactions of their own yet? I'm not entirely certain of what's happening, but if I see a little more, I'll have a better idea of how to help out.