
Invoice payment date

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin


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    SarojaproductsSarojaproducts Member Posts: 2

    I am input correct payment date but on system showing early day's date.what is it?

    edited September 9, 2018
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    SarojaproductsSarojaproducts Member Posts: 2

    Why hear showing payment date early date of the payment taken date?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Sarojaproducts,

    Could you show me a screenshot of what you see when you press "Edit Payment"? It's difficult to say what might have happened without seeing more of the payment's information. If you could also share a screenshot of the transaction as it appears on the Transactions page on the Website, that might also be helpful.

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