CSV import issues

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin


  • JUribeJUribe Member Posts: 2

    CSV import still not working ! :s

    is there any way to get paid support, I absolutel need to import transactions ASAP

    edited September 10, 2018
  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @JUribe ! I've split your discussion into its own thread as the issue related to CSV importing being discussed in the thread where you posted is now resolved. If you are continuing to experience issues, please provide a little bit more detail around what specifically is happening.

    Most of the time when we see CSV imports fail, it's due to currency or date formatting. If you're sure things are formatted correctly (mm/dd/yyyy and 0.00, -0.00 with date, description, and amount columns) a good next step is to copy your data into a Google Sheets document and redownload it as a CSV again.

  • JUribeJUribe Member Posts: 2

    Thank you, that didi it ! :-)

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