Problems with saving entries

GevorgGevorg Member Posts: 1

Hello everyone.
I got this issue with saving transactions. Not the first time when I add expense/income through Transactions icon (Menu -> Account -> Transactions), Wave does NOT save the transactions which I entered. I got really upset since I entered about 100 transactions for the past 2 months, and now I have to go over again because Wave did not save my entries. Now I am scared of add anything because I can't rely on this system.

Problems with saving entries

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  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Gevorg,

    Wave won't delete any of your data without you or one of your collaborators doing it. If you added them manually, hit the save button and saw them on the page, they shouldn't disappear without you, or another person on the account deleting them.

    Can you run me through a step-by-step process of everything you do when you create a transaction?

    For adding those transactions again, I would recommend uploading your bank statement instead of adding those transactions by hand. It might make for a faster process. Here's how you can do this

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