Reports and balances not updating

CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

Hi everyone!

I wanted to notify you of an issue that occurred this morning.

After receiving reports from a number of customers, we notified our team and discovered that some performance maintenance we were conducting under the hood was causing some parts of Wave, such as reports and account balances, to take longer to update.

We’ve now made some changes to improve this process and resolved the problem. You should see your data update within a maximum of two hours. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please let me know here if you continue to experience any issues with account balances or reporting updating with recently added transactions after this window has passed.



  • vershovvershov Member Posts: 0

    I imported transactions from once Wave account into another Wave account ( I have multiple businesses with related transactions). This usually works without issue. This time, the reports do not reflect any imported transactions. I can see and edit the imported Transactions in the Accounting section though without a problem.

    Please help.

  • HemantHemant Member Posts: 0

    Hi Team,

    I've just loaded credit card charges via CSV file. However, while I'm done categorizing in bank feed, I noticed that Income Statement (Profit & loss) isn't reflecting any of those 400+ transactions.

    I've made sure that the transactions are posted to credit card. What possibly could be wrong?

  • Sandeep_Jain1975Sandeep_Jain1975 Member Posts: 1

    I have uploaded the bank transactions which is appearing in the Transactions, however the impact of the same is not reflecting in the balance sheet , P&L and other reports

  • GreyAreaSecurityGreyAreaSecurity Member Posts: 4

    I'm also still having issues - I can import receipts and post to accounting but they never come off my balance.

    Edit: some hours later, the transactions have come off the balance but not the edit that I performed so the total is out. Is it just that they're really slow?

    edited September 15, 2018
  • jalop123jjalop123j Member Posts: 2


    I have created 2 bills today, then I am trying to categorize an expense imported from my Bank account as a outstanding bill on wave. The problem is that it is showing all outstanding bills, except the last 2 I just added today.

    Both bills have an outstanding balance.

    I have tried with 2 different webbrowsers, I log out and login, delete and re-create both bills but no luck.

    I tried to add a payment directly from the bill, it creates the transaction. If I try to change the category error shows up: An error ocurred during fetching categories. If I go to Reports->Accounts transactions, the payment is there. The only problem is linking from transaction list to the bill.

    edited September 15, 2018
  • tolutolu Member Posts: 2

    wave isn't processing my updated transaction. I included new credit payments as well as expenses but the account is not processing the new transactions and the figures showing in the account section just remains the same but on checking the general ledger in the report, the transactions are been reported. is there any way i can correct this?

  • jalop123jjalop123j Member Posts: 2

    Also balances are not showing correctly,

    On Transaction list, I am filtering a specific account with 2 transactions: It shows 1 Deposit for 27,000 and 1 Withdrawal for 20,000. The balance of the account shows 0. I started using Wave 1 week ago but I am getting confused.


  • JamesJames Member Posts: 10


    Dashboard page, is missing nearly two years of data (my entire accounting data) apart from this current month?

    When I go to the Sales page all my Sales invoices and likewise Purchases, all my bills can bee seen.

    Also I cannot allocate transactions to sales invoices as well outstanding bill purchases within the Accounting 'transactions' page

    I have tried clearing cache within chrome as well as using an alternative computer just in case its a software conflict. but cant resolve.

    Rather worried. Anyone experienced this or is having this issue as well?



    edited September 15, 2018
  • Sandeep_Jain1975Sandeep_Jain1975 Member Posts: 1

    I dont know what the problem is. I have uploaded the CSV file of my transactions which has got successfully uploaded, but the balances are not changing

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi all! Please see my post for an explanation. Thank you again for reaching out.

  • GenCoKCGenCoKC Member Posts: 1

    Just last month I started having an issue with my balances not updating correctly. My trial balance report shows a balance due in Accounts Receivable that has already been paid and shows a deficiency in the Checking Account, but when I click on the Accounts Receivable or Checking Account link on the Trial Balance report, the transactions within each account are correct. Can you please advise how this can be fixed?

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @GenCoKC ! I can see that you've had a discussion with one of our application support team members in getting your particular situation resolved. Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding this.

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