
Extra Column on Estimate/Invoices

CuddlestonCuddleston Member Posts: 7

Need additional column on estimates and invoices. Need the ability to have a duration tab. I realize you can change one of the tabs to "other" and type it in, but I need all the default tabs PLUS a duration. Am I the only employer using Wave that is in any sort of rental business?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Cuddleston,

    Could you give me a bit more information about your business? What kind of business do you run? Do you rent a large number of items at the time often? How does invoicing work for your business? If we have more information about your business and its needs, we'll be able to better understand how a feature like this might impact your business and the businesses of other Wavers.

    Other users usually use the "Quantity" column for their number of days or week. Is it impossible for you to do this because you rent out large numbers of the same item?

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    CuddlestonCuddleston Member Posts: 7

    Thank you for the response @Alexia The aspect of the business that would utilize duration is rental based. I personally don't see how "quantity" could be used to replace duration. Is that for people that only sell one product at a time? I would need both of those to be able to figure amounts of quantities and for how long they will be gone.

    Also, is there a way to create sections? In my industry, when renting equipment out, invoices are typically broken into sections. Audio, lighting, video, staging, labor, content design, etc. Underneath those sections are products on lines with quantities and durations of associated products.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Cuddleston, thanks for following up with more details.

    For example, a consultant could use that column for a number of hours of service. I can see how you would need both duration and quantity in a case like yours, where you are renting a very variable number of items for variable amounts of time. This isn't possible right now, but you might be able to get around it by making a line item for each period (if this is set in days or weeks). So you could have something like this:

    • Cameras for a week - Description - Number of cameras - amount - price
    • Cameras for a week - Description - Number of cameras - amount - price
    • Cameras for a week - Description - Number of cameras - amount - price

    It isn't an ideal solution, I can recognize that, but it might work for the time being.

    There isn't a way to divide invoices into sections at this time, but you aren't the first person to offer feedback related to a feature like this one. I've heard similar comments from other Wavers in industries related to your own. I'm happy to pass this feedback along to our developers. I can't promise this feature will be added to Wave, but feedback from Wavers does have a significant impact on what we choose to build next. Thank you for offering yours.

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    CuddlestonCuddleston Member Posts: 7

    Thank you for the feedback @Alexia I really like Wave and hope to be able to use it for a while, but not sure if it will end up being the best solution for my needs. I will say that your quick help has been a great pro in the "pros and cons" section.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much, @Cuddleston!

    It would be a shame to see you go, but an understandable one. Hopefully, we'll have made a good enough impression that you'll think of us for your next side-hustle or recommend us to business-minded friends!

    With that said, I'm never too far with a brain chock-full of solutions and workarounds if you decide to go continue using Wave and run into any issues. You're always welcome to reach out.

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