
I Would Like to Choose Where to Download the PDFs of My Invoices

abajanabajan Member Posts: 10

There's currently no way to choose where the PDF of an invoice is downloaded. On my computer, there is a separate folder for each of my customers. As such, when I download a PDF of an invoice for a particular customer, I want it to be saved to that customer's folder. However, every PDF of an invoice I download from Wave goes into my "Downloads" folder. This means I then have to transfer it from there to the intended destination. It would be better if I could download it straight into the customer's folder, without having it go to the downloads folder first. In other words, when I click the the Download PDF button, indicated in the image below, a window (somewhat similar to this) should pop up, allowing me to select where the PDF should go.


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    SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @abajan that's actually to do with your computer settings, not your Wave settings :) you can certainly change where downloaded files land on your computer (how to do this would vary based on what system you use), but you'd then end up changing it every time you downloaded something for a different customer. Depending on how many different customers you have, you may be better off letting the invoices continue to download to your "Downloads" folder and dragging/dropping them to the appropriate file afterward. Hope that helps!

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    abajanabajan Member Posts: 10

    @Sophia Thanks, but I already knew that on my laptop, the destination folder for downloads can be changed from the default.

    It would really be preferable if a window were to pop up when I clicked the Download PDF button, letting me choose one time where to download the file. This is the way it works with many online apps. For instance, after optimizing an image at TinyPNG, a download link appears. If I just click it, the file is downloaded to the default folder, as is the case with Wave. However, if I right-click the download link instead of clicking it with the default (left) mouse button, a contextual menu pops up with Save link as... as one of its selections (see image below). Then, when I click that, a Save As window pops up, allowing me to choose where to download the file. To me, it's just more convenient that way, i.e. download the file to the intended folder one time, instead of having to transfer it after downloading it.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @abajan, you can make it so your computer asks you where to download a document every time you download a file.

    The method to set that up changes depending on your browser. For Chrome, you'd press three dots on the top right corner of your screen and go to Setting. At the bottom of that page, click on Advanced.

    You'll find an option to have Chrome ask you where to save you file every time you download a file under Downloads, a little lower on that screen.

    Let me know if that works!

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    abajanabajan Member Posts: 10

    Hi Alexia,

    Thanks very much for your reply (and my apologies for my tardy one). Your solution is perfect! :)


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