
Invoice for pass through payments

epitomaepitoma Member Posts: 10

I am paying for a monthly online subscription service which allows multiple user access and am invoicing those users who reimburse me for their "portion" of the monthly fee. They want invoices monthly for their contribution however when I go to make an invoice, it seems I can only add an Income account for where the paid invoice will be deposited.

I don't want that reimbursement counted as income but I do need to make recurring invoices. Is there another way to handle this and still be able to create recurring invoices? Or will I have to print the invoice and do a journal entry and forgo the entire Wave invoice process?



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @epitoma,

    The best way to handle this is probably as reimbursable expenses. We have a guide on how to do this here. Following this guide will make it so those transactions are balanced by making the expense for the monthly service into a refund to those invoices. In your books, this will make it so the income is counterbalanced and brought back to $0, and removed the portion of the expense that isn't your own part from your expenses (they aren't your expenses after all).

    Let me know if that all makes sense!

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