Email sending

nosynosy Member Posts: 9

I recently mimic a 2 account using all the same setting except the account label changed.
same login same email same customer data etc
You are not sending any email tested customer invoice out. can you have a look at my second account. 1st account 10 years old works flawless


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @nosy,

    Can you give me a bit more details, I'm not sure I understand your question. Are those being sent from two different accounts, or from two businesses on the same account?

    If you can send me a private message with the email for both of your accounts, the email for your clients and the invoice number you used, I'll be able to look into this more in-depth and see what might be happening.

  • nosynosy Member Posts: 9

    thanks 4 getting back i have some other via email request in the works but like open discussions much better.
    After countless hours by our PHD team it turns out that you are using a third party email facilitator. It is he who bounces our email.
    In response to flaws by your system with "email,reminder,statement automation", we are managing customer email in-house. Having said this i can only assume that during testing and sending the particular email, account limits with services have been activated.
    I.E. we may have sent that invoice to our email server several hundred times , hence the block on this particular email address.I would assumed that limits would have reset after 24 hours but they have not.
    So my request is for you to ask your 3rd party hired vendor "postmarkapp"
    to "whitelist" the following domains,,
    10:46 AM 9/21/2018

    edited September 21, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @nosy,

    I just saw that you were also in communication with one of my colleagues through a support ticket and they got everything taken care of with Postmark. If you have any future issues, feel free to reach out here, or via support ticket and we'll help out as soon as we can.

  • nosynosy Member Posts: 9

    thanks4 yur help I am opposed to support tickets had someone else posted here at the discussion group regarding postmark we could have saved 40 hours on our in-house research. kudos to discussion groups and open-source projects
    will test that particular email again aside from the above mentioned issues yet to be corrected, your product is superb.

  • XTNXTN Member Posts: 5

    In recently picked up that the email sending via the Wave app and website is not working. I sent estimate from a desktop and again an invoice from app and pc with a CC to myself with documents attached, but haven’t received anything.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @XTN,

    It seems like a past email you were sent a few months ago had bounced back to our email service provider, so they marked your email address as inactive. I reactivated it and it should work from now on. To prevent this from happening again, I recommend adding "" to your contact list or whitelist.

    Let me know if you run into any more issues, I'll be happy to help!

  • XTNXTN Member Posts: 5
    But I’m using the WaveApp mailer function and not any other mail application. Please advise on how to add this on the waveapp.
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @XTN,

    This is something you would have to add to your email account, in the software you use to view your emails. In Outlook, if that's what you use, or directly in Gmail if you use a Google account.

    All you have to do is add that address to your contacts there, in what you use to receive and view emails.

  • XTNXTN Member Posts: 5
    Hi Alexia, I fully understand the “white list”, but I’m saying is that my clients are not getting the email/invoice/estimates that create and email from the wavapp or desktop platform. I will test again today and let you know.
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @XTN,

    They would have to do the same if they can't receive those email communications. If you have specific clients who aren't receiving those invoices, send me a private message with their email addresses and an associated invoice number and I'll take a closer look at what might happening.

  • KburmanKburman Member Posts: 1
    My emails aren't sending using invoicing
  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Kburman, thanks for reaching out! Can you confirm for me if it is your clients that are not receiving their invoices from you or you are not receiving the copies that you send to yourself?

    If it is your customers can you please ensure that they are checking their Junk/Spam mailboxes too, sometimes things can get lost in there. If they are not there either, can you please submit a ticket with us here that includes an example of a clients email who is not receiving your invoices. Thanks!

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