
Categorising paid invoice in Transactions and setting up services with no fixed price?

FanlikeFanlike Member Posts: 13

Hi all,

I have problems with categorising income and invoice's items, I'll try to explain.

I do textile consultancy and my clients pay different prices each time. The service is the same (Consulting Services), but the price is different depending on the agreement. Since in "Sales" - "Product and Services" section you can't set up services with no fixed price, I'm forced to create a new item any time I issue an invoice for those clients, despite the fact that the service is precisely the same (Consulting Services).

Because of this WAVE can't I categorise some of my income as "income from Consulting Services". For two reasons:

1- Since I had to create multiple items according to the price of my consultancy, Wave doesn't recognise such Items as belonging to the same category thus mistaking one category as multiple category.

2- I tried to solve this issue by categorising my Invoices within "Transactions", but this create a further problem. When you link a payment to a Wave Invoice, that payment is automatically recognised as "Payment from + the Invoice data". When you try to categorise the invoice (in my case as "Consultancy Income", that very move unlink the payment from the Invoice, and the invoice automatically return to its OVERDUE state.

Long story short, I can't properly categorise income and invoice's items.

Not sure I made myself clear (and I tried hard I promise!) but any solution to this problem? Thanks


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Fanlike,

    The price of your services on the Products and Services are never set in stone, you can change them on individual invoices without affecting other invoices. In your case, you could leave the price for your consulting service as anything at all and modify it as needed when you create a specific invoice.

    You can set the income category for your items to the same category if you want, but it won't change the category on past invoices. You can get around this by simply going to the Invoices page, clicking on the arrow next to an invoice with an item under the wrong category and clicking on "Edit". Once there, just save your invoice again (no modification necessary) and it will update the items to match those newly set categories.

    Let me know if that helps!

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