
Can I receive partial payment via bank transfer?

AbikinAbikin Member Posts: 2

Hi - I have a customer who is pretty far behind, and I'd like to encourage him to pay a little bit on a regular basis. He pays by bank transfer, so I'm not sure what the interface looks like when he pays. Does he just get a button to pay the invoice in full, or does it allow him to enter an amount that he would like to pay?


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    RezaReza Member Posts: 24 admin

    Hi Abikin,

    When making a payment in Wave, either using a Card (Debit, Credit, etc.) or Bank Payment (ACH), your customer can choose to pay the amount due, or any amount more or less than the due amount. They can do so by editing the 'Amount to Pay' which for Bank Payments looks like this:

    e.g. if the amount due is $100 your customer can choose to pay $50, or $100 or even $200. This is possible regardless of the payment method they choose.

    Also I would recommend you send yourself a small test invoice of let's say $2 to see the full workflow. That way not only you'll learn what they would experience, you can answer any questions your customer may have too!

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    AbikinAbikin Member Posts: 2

    Thanks so much for the response, and a great suggestion!

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