
Allocating invoices to revenue streams

Helene79Helene79 Member Posts: 2

I have 2 main sources of revenue and I want too be able to see that on my P&L.
The same way that I have created 2 categories in my Cost of Sales I also have created 2 categories under Income in the chart of accounts.
My question is: how do I allocate a particular invoice to a particular line of income?
I have tried to go in Transactions and select the appropriate line of income but it seems that Wave thinks there is an outstanding payment then (as in I chose Income line X instead of Payment from XXX).
I hope I am making myself clear.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Helene79,

    You're halfway there already. Income accounts aren't assigned to invoices, in Wave, but to products. You'll have to go to the "Products and Services" page, under Sales, and edit each of your products to assign it to the appropriate account. Just click on the pencil icon next to a product to edit its details.

    Note that assigning a new account to your products will only affect invoices created from now on. It won't affect past invoices.

    If you want to update your past invoices once those changes have been made, you'll have to go to your Invoices page, click on the arrow next to one of your invoices and go to "Edit invoice". Without doing any changes, save your invoice. This will update the invoice so that its line items use the right income accounts. Repeat that with each of your invoices.

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