
Improved invoice seach

SaintChristieSaintChristie Member Posts: 1
The ability to seach not only by invoice number but also by client, client details, line item (name, description) , summary (project name, description)


  • Options
    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @SaintChristie,

    It is possible to search filter your invoices by client, by status and by date range in Wave, as well as by invoice number, but I can see how more search options for invoices would be useful. I'd love to hear more about your business to get a better idea of exactly how impactful that feature could be.

    Do you find that you're often struggling to find invoices? What kind of insight do you aim to get from being able to filter your invoices in those ways? Could you give me real-world examples where, in the context for your business, those different search options would've helped?

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