
Still missing bill uploading

cjecje Member Posts: 2

...or if storage is a problem; make it possible to upload a copy of the bill to google drive with link on the bill i wave.

But GUI was nice. :smile:

edited September 27, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    DedricDedric Member Posts: 52 ✭✭

    yep, I second that, it would be nice that the "scanned/uploaded" bills remain accessible....


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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    Thanks for the insight, folks! I personally want to see things become a bit more "backwards compatible" in the sense that you can add images directly to Transactions themselves (including things like receipts and bills). Also, I want to see more Bulk Actions as well - especially as a migration tool as more folks discover Wave.

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    SteveCavachonSteveCavachon Member Posts: 1

    Agree with Tyler, the generic ability to attach collateral data (images in particular) to any transaction would be a very nice feature... but could be any type of file attachment in general

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