Merging issues - Receipt information (notes, account, sales tax) is removed when merging with transa

MarkusMarkus Member Posts: 18


Whenever I merge a banking transaction with a receipt I loose the comments, account and GST information I have entered with the receipt. I wish the receipt transaction would have the priority, not the blank bank account transaction.

If there is any trick, I'd like to know. Because atm I enter all the info necessary with the receipt. Then merge. And then enter all the information again :(



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Markus,

    There was another Waver dealing with the same issue recently on the Community. You can find my answer here.

    The short version is that there are issues with the merging feature in the older version of Wave, but they've been resolved in the new version of Wave. Until your account is updated, I'd recommend just deleting the matching transaction uploading from your bank instead of merging it with your receipt transaction. I go into a bit more details in the post linked above, if you'd like more information. Let me know if you have any questions!

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