Creating a sales order/packing list

hickorysmokehickorysmoke Member Posts: 7

I'm really happy with so many aspects of Wave, but am still having trouble finding a way to create a packing list. I'm hoping there's one hidden somewhere in the big new rollout. Any help is much appreciated!



  • Michelle_AMichelle_A Member Posts: 45 admin

    Hi @hickorysmoke - I am afraid there are no immediate plans to implement a packing list feature. We'd like to hear more, though! Can you let us know how you normally account for this so we can have more of an idea of how our users create packing lists outside of Wave? :)

  • hickorysmokehickorysmoke Member Posts: 7

    Hi. I use packing lists in orders that have an invoice sent separately to a different department, or to accounts that have a net30 payment. Many stores reconcile orders and track things with invoices and packing lists together. I have to make a Sales list or Packing list document outside of Wave for each order like this. The Wave invoice will not leave out the amount due or due date, and there is no way to make that correction look neat or professional using correction fluid. I have seen other forums where people were asking for this feature. I wonder, could you tell me why something so simple to create and offer, is not in the plans? I really love Wave, but this seems like such a huge oversight! Perhaps most small makers and manufacturers are using Quickbooks, as most small biz classes recommend it?
    thanks for any help, and for putting in a request!

  • blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

    FYI, Wave can't do Purchase Orders or Packing slips and both are MANDATORY BY SO MANY BUSINESSES IN THE US and I can't believe they don't have them. Wave is a good product and I love what works, but not knowing about or including packing slips and PO's is seriously handicapping what I can do and whether I can stick with using Wave. Your programmers should be able to adapt what you already have in minutes as packing slips list items sold with all info except pricing and due date. They are included with packages that are shipped to customers and your software should just ask when printing invoices if printing a packing slip is necessary and then it's just the same thing with certain fields like price blocked out, it's just a list of what was bought, who sold it, where it went.

    Please help me raise awareness that WAVE also needs Purchase orders. They are REQUIRED BY MANY VENDORS TO DO BUSINESS. I have never seen accounting software with it even at the basic level. PO is just an order to a vendor that is a binding agreement to agree to purchase.

  • blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

    @Katie Silkina said:
    @hickorysmoke Thank you for sharing the additional details about your business needs, we'll certainly take this into account when we are looking to explore this feature.

    And a great question to ask! There are multiple factors that go into our product planning & research. Take a look at the following post:

    Please have your management staff look at this article on Purchase Orders/Packing Slips/Invoices and how they are different and why they are needed. WAVE is really not complete without POs and Packing Slips.

    Please help and institute these needed features!

  • cfnzcfnz Member Posts: 1

    Yes, we too have a need to print a delivery slip... Basically for now an invoice without the pricing and with the words Delivery Note instead of Invoice would do us...

    The same reasons as above... the invoice goes to one place and the delivery note to another... but for now, just being able to download a delivery note (like an invoice) that we can send to an alternative address manually would be a good first step.


  • hickorysmokehickorysmoke Member Posts: 7

    Yes! I've seen so many folks asking for this feature, mostly outside of Wave community - I hope they begin to take the need seriously! I really like Wave, but am completely baffled by their resistance to adding this feature - on the backend, it's so little time/labor. Maybe they are aiming for small biz that's a different sort?

  • blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

    I agree, they seem very resistant at Wave to add these basic business necessities for some reason. PO's and packing slips are similar to other features already included so it's hard to understand why the features don't already exist and why they don't make these easy inclusions to help their business and those of their customers. :(

  • OneSourceSuppliesOneSourceSupplies Member Posts: 5

    Our Company also uses Packing Lists everyday for Shipment purposes, This is so the Shipping and Receiving does not see the Cost to protect from competition delivery who peek into the various papers at the back! Also it would be fabulous to have a Purchase Order that you can make into PDF format for Order emailing purposes etc.! What is great is that there is a Duplicate Customer Invoice, however this does not apply to Bills? So that would be great to have the same application there as well!

  • TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    We know that countless businesses rely on POs - this is undeniable. Prioritization is potentially thee hardest thing we have to do at Wave given all we offer and how we offer it. We want people to use Wave to run their business but we too are a business. We want to welcome as many people as we can but we also need to make decisions that allow us to continue supporting our pre-existing software and build other products and services. All of the passionate responses above have opened my eyes even more to how many more people could use Wave as their all in one business solution. I hope we can meet the full list of your needs in the future.

  • hickorysmokehickorysmoke Member Posts: 7

    Hi Tyler,
    Thanks so much for your response. I've noticed some pop-up polls (not sure what to call them) when I go to Wave, and that seems like it could be a great way to get a bigger sample of how many people could use these features! I know not everyone uses this forum, so if decisions are based on needs of your growing community (which I think they are) that could give you an even bigger slice of data about who is wanting this additional features. Thanks for all the great things you've done already, Wave has been a breath of fresh air, and I look forward to expanding my use of it!

  • blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

    I also appreciate the response Tyler, I also agree that most users won't get as far as the forum. Many are small business owners that may not have the time or knowledge of visiting a forum before abandoning software. One thing seems clear, for a forum that is just building many want this feature and also those that are here love your software including myself for ease of use, but it's negated by manually having to do things that are no-brainers and included with other products. Again, please make sure top staff sees the following articles or looks up others regarding the subjects. Using bills isn't a good workaround as it doesn't show enough description to be helpful to vendors. My POs done this way have been flagged by vendors as not including enough info.

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @blinden Thank you for sending those over! I'll pass them onto @Tyler, as well as our other managers!

  • InsightInsight Member Posts: 5

    Hello again. It's been a few months since I asked for two features missing in Wave, and I see there are more small business owners asking for the ability to generate PO's and packing slips.

    I was dismayed to see such a simple option missing from your latest update. How does something so important to many businesses not be part of the app? I waste a lot of time switching back and forth from my old QB Pro 2010 to Wave. Please add these two features. Lots of great advice from blinden on how to make it happen.

    One more point. When I enter a new product I'm asked if - I sell or buy or both. And we are asked to enter a price.
    Why isn't there a separate field for the purchase price and the selling price. I'm not sure about other business owners but I tend to sell an item for more than I buy it. As it is now, I have to manually edit the price when creating invoices and/or bills. Hoping this option is an easy one to add.

  • blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

    Agree!!!!! "One more point. When I enter a new product I'm asked if - I sell or buy or both. And we are asked to enter a price.
    Why isn't there a separate field for the purchase price and the selling price. I'm not sure about other business owners but I tend to sell an item for more than I buy it. "

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @Insight our latest update was a visual update and did not involve any functional changes. I took a look at your previous posts regarding your feature requests and once again thank you for your thoughtful and in-depth responses.

    While these are not features yet, I can assure you that our teams are still aware of your (and other business owners') requests and interests. I still can't guarantee that these features will be implemented soon, but I can let you know that our teams do engage in much research before implementing anything new. Your insights will definitely help in that regard.

    To you and @blinden: you raise a valid point when you mention that you sell your items at a price that is different from your own purchase price. I will also definitely bring this up to the team! Thank you for bringing that up!

  • blindenblinden Member Posts: 8

    Respectfully, I call BS on this response from Wave. We've all seen this same copy/paste response before and this response contradicts the request. "I still can't guarantee that these features will be implemented soon, but I can let you know that our teams do engage in much research before implementing anything new." I say this with confidence as ANY software claiming to be business accounting software would've included packing slips and purchase orders from the start since they are so widely used and musts for millions of business owners. Surely a software product wanting to help as many people as possible and who makes money from credit card transactions would do whatever necessary to implement these widely needed and requested features to both help their customers and to keep them from migrating to other products. Wave is really blowing it unnecessarily!!!!!!!!! :( If you're reading this, give an "Awesome" click to flag this post if you want Wave to make these items a huge priority!

  • FoundationPrintingFoundationPrinting Member Posts: 4

    +1 for Purchase Order and Product Cost/Price update.

  • DecorSenseDecorSense Member Posts: 2

    I'm new to Wave and I'm a small business owner. Most customers don't need packing slips but the bigger clients do ask for them. I used the google sheets addon from wave and downloaded the transaction and then removed the unwanted fields. This works for me because I only need to do this perhaps once or twice a month; which is acceptable. Perhaps this would help someone else. Obviously if you need to do packing slips on a daily bases this would not work.

  • FabAugFabAug Member Posts: 0

    Good afternoon, we recently left QB's online and moved to Wave but found out that it's not possible to print a Packing Slip (or Packing List). I've noticed there are several requests for this feature for over a year but no updates from Wave yet.
    Since we cannot wait on Wave to decide when to make this available, what options or suggestions can you provide us to get around this issue. Is there an app or integration or anything to help us out?
    Thank you

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @FabAug . You're correct, this is not currently on our roadmap for features to be implemented. As we don't integrate directly with any Packing Slip softwares, I wouldn't be able to recommend one personally, but I'd advise that you do some research on what others suggest as I'm sure finding a solid free software shouldn't be too difficult.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Does anyone else have any other suggestions on a software they use?

  • GwildgooseGwildgoose Member Posts: 1

    This is real easy, a packing list is essentially just the invoice without dollar amounts. It gets more complicated when a partial shipment takes place, but not that more difficult. I love Wave, but this really needs to be added to the roadmap.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Gwildgoose I merged your post into this thread as there was an ongoing discussion about the Packing Slips.

    Thanks for leaving your feature idea. In full transparency, this feature is not currently on the Wave roadmap because Wave aims to fill the need of Accounting related actions. Packing slips are simply outside of our expertise and as we continue to focus our efforts on strengthening our core accounting and invoicing products, I don't expect that we will see this feature be added in the short term. I understand that this is disappointing, but I hope that you can understand that my intention with sharing this is to be as transparent as possible so you can look for other software to fill this need while you use Wave for your accounting and invoicing needs.

  • DigidDigid Member Posts: 2

    Just........what? No packing slip generating?? Ridiculous. Absolutely Ridiculous. So a large company with a receiving department opens a package and wants to receive the shipment in their system at the dock, with what? An invoice? With Pricing??? Get you act together. Ridiculous.

  • DigidDigid Member Posts: 2

    Sorry for my last rant but It is concerning “Packing slips are simply outside of our expertise”. A packing slip in an invoice with minor differences from an invoice. I would bet that is well within your expertise. My last software was a $30 cd in 2001 and runs circles around this software. I appreciate your transparency though. Thank you for that.

  • MaisMais Member Posts: 1

    Is there a way to print or create a PDF format of the invoice to ship out with the order? We do international business and we need to ship out the invoice with the order.
    Also, has there been any changes to your plans to include "creating a packing list" as a new feature?

  • OneSourceSuppliesOneSourceSupplies Member Posts: 5
    We love using Wave, I have 3 Other Companies using it now, but here is the same complaint: We all need to produce Packing Slips with our Shipments; without Pricing. Get the Team together today, make this a Priority and you'll have 100's more business. Your losing MONEY not implementing this very small added feature!
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mais

    Currently you are able to print a PDF of the invoice and send it with your order. Either select the Print button, or feel free to download it as a PDF and print it from your downloads

    Presently packing slips are not on our future roadmap for the development of our invoicing platform. We always appreciate the +1 on a feature idea though.

  • VataVata Member Posts: 1

    I have no idea what anyone else is requesting. I would be happy to have the option of printing the Invoice without pricing, and use that for a Packing Slip. Keep everything else the same, just add the option of printing without pricing. The INVOICE, but NO PRICING. I've asked before. Others have asked in the thread above. That's what we need.

  • MegMeg Member Posts: 1
    A simple packing slip, or invoice without pricing please!
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