
The NEW UI looks good but need some enhancements for [Bill] section

chj915chj915 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

For my own small business, I manage my Bills freqently. With the new UI update, the website looks fresher but I have discovered some areas that might need a bit more tweak and improvements. First of all, I am accessing WAVE site on my Windows 10 machine via Google Chrome browser (1080p screen). I manage my transactions/bills/invoices 99% of time on desktop or laptop. Let's me show you what I meant here.

For example, the Bill Edit page:

This page has a general white space unused on both side. Only the central container area is used for editing a bill.

  1. I am not running any crazy number here, but the Amount column cannot fit a 2-decimal number for over $1000. The value of this column gets pushed to the next line which looks very ugly.
  2. The Quantity column has a large textbox but I feel that is just a waste. The word "Quantity" could be shortened down to "Qty".
  3. The Price column is relatively smaller comparing to Quantity. I need a wider textbox for Price not for Quantity.

In general

I think the page does not have to limit its container just for the central area. The screen is 1080p and it is a common resolution for most of our office/home monitors now. I just feel the white space on both sides are totally wasted, while the central container is too crowed.

The next example is the Bill list page:

Similiar problem, both sides are unused whiste space, why can't we use them? The central area is still the workspace with uncomfortable width.

  1. Check Number column, the value gets pushed to next line.
  2. Payment Status looks ok but feel such header takes too much space. A single word Status shall be good enough. The value of this column is already telling me "Paid" or "Unpaid". We don't need extra space for this column at all.
  3. Actions column again takes too much space. Using icons would be more efficient than having a link "Add a payment" following by another menu icon.

In summary, I wish the page layoud could be more efficient and practical for the end users. Limitting the workspace just around the central area feel so narrowed and uncomfortable. This is just Bills section. If you check other section like Receipt, you will be surprized that that is actually much better in terms of the layout UX feeling.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much for taking the time to offer such detailed feedback, @chj915.

    I'll forward it to the right team on our end. I can't guarantee a timeline or promise anything, but I can make sure this is received by the right people. Feedback like this has a serious impact on how we choose what to build next for Wave, we can't thank you enough for sharing this.

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    mclunemclune Member Posts: 9

    I would like to second the motion that your Bills layout and features could use an improvement. I mostly agree with the aesthetic improvements mentioned by wave member @chj915, like utilizing all real estate when possible, appropriate field lengths etc. I too, manage and create bills frequently so I can always look at my profit and loss statement and the impact the bills are having on my bottom line. Some suggestions to add to the request is I would like to see recurring bills if possible, filtering capability on the payment status field, so I can quickly glance at the unpaid bills and most of all I would like to see a total line at the bottom of the report. Have it function similar to a spreadsheet so that as you filter out data the total line is reflective of the filtered data. That way users don't have to go to the reports section and have to look by vendor. Another big time saver.

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    nadworksnadworks Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    @chj915 - flipping awesome and entirely in line with what always bugged me. The emphasis on some fields and available spaces vs. others on particular. The new font width is not helping here either.

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    electrafireelectrafire Member Posts: 2

    My field of work, when I send an estimate it would be nice to have either

    1) Option to move line items up or down... For sort and organization
    2) Groupings under the Estimate or Invoice. So I can have categories group together under a header or at least have a blank line inserted in-between.

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    gabrieltomescugabrieltomescu Member Posts: 33 admin

    Hi @chj915 ,

    I'm Gabe from the design team here at Wave. Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a detailed post. We totally agree with many of your points on the Bills interface, so we launched a few updates today that give this page a bit more breathing room.

    Specifically, we've updated the following:

    • Allowed the entire page to grow wider which gives every column more breathing room
    • Increased width of the Price and Amount columns
    • Reduced width of the Quantity column

    Hope these help!

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    chj915chj915 Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Thanks, @gabrieltomescu.
    I am glad my post has drawn the attention from WAVE developers.
    Please keep collecting the feedbacks from the users about the UI experience.
    Sometime you need MORE diverse sample data loaded on the screen to see how it actually behaves.

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