
Wrong email used on invoice with multiple accounts

rodpascoerodpascoe Member Posts: 3

I'm a new user so may be doing something completely wrong but I'm having a frustrating problem when invoicing.

I have created two businesses, let's call them Business A and Business B.

I have setup details for both and both have emails to login and I can switch between business in the top left corner just fine.

However, every time I invoice someone I have to go into settings and change the primary email address to the one for the business I'm invoicing.

Example, logged in as Business B to raise invoice, email for Business A is set to be primary email in settings. Invoice for Business B then shows the emails for the wrong business. I change it and everything is fine but then next time I want to invoice from Business A then Business B's email is on the invoice!

If someone could tell me I'm being stupid and what to do then that would be great please!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @rodpascoe,

    The email you send invoices from will always default to the primary email for the entire Wave account. The primary email address is chosen on the account level, rather than the business level.

    You have two options to get around this. You can either do what you've been doing and change the primary email whenever you need that email address changed or you could remove one of those emails from your Wave account and create a new Wave account for that email and its associated business. You can also select the email to send from at the Sending step of the invoicing process. You'll have to option to choose between them from the "Send From" drop-down menu.

    I understand that none of these options is especially convenient, but there is currently no alternative.

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    rodpascoerodpascoe Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for your reply Alexia, you're right in that the workaround are not especially convenient and either lead to the chance of an invoice going to someone with a completely different companies email address on or alternatively having two accounts which negates the whole single sign on concept.

    Surely this is a bug that can be easily fixed? I used to be a computer programmer back in the day and storing which email is the default for each account is a couple of minutes code to do?

    Is this likely to be sorted?

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @rodpascoe,

    Thanks for following up! It's great to see that you've operating both of your businesses out of Wave, although I recognize that this workaround is a bit clunky. Honestly, since it's not a bug per se I can't speculate on when/if it gets changed. That said, out of curiosity, where would you ideally see this type of customization taking place? Is this something you'd like to be able to edit directly within the invoice page right before sending? What would your ideal solution look like?

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    rodpascoerodpascoe Member Posts: 3
    It’s fairly common sense.
    If you’re in company A’s business then company A’s email is used.
    Switch to company B and why would I want any other email than company B’s ?!
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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @rodpascoe I definitely agree - I've submitted a feature request now. This would definitely make multi-business management via Wave more intuitive and user friendly.

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