
archive business error

UAKUAK Member Posts: 1

Hello, I am trying to archive my UAK diversified business. When I try to archive it says I need to disconnect payments first and then reload the page. I click to disconnect and turn both credit card payments off and ACHpayments off, reload the page and try to archive again. It repeats the same message that I must disconnect payments account. There must be a bug. Please advise. Thank you.

edited October 5, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @UAK,

    You're right, this is an issue on our end. We're working towards a resolution. I can't offer a timeline for when this will be resolved, but I'll make myself a note to reach out and let you know when I have more information to offer.

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    JakeCSTJakeCST Member Posts: 1

    Hello, I am having the same issue and would like to be notified when resolved.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @JakeCST We will make sure that we comment in this community thread once the issue has been resolved, appreciate your patience through this!

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    mcleanapmcleanap Member Posts: 2

    Any update on this issue? I am having the same issue, and cannot archive my business.

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    ryanwilsonperkinryanwilsonperkin Member Posts: 18 admin

    Hi @mcleanap, nothing to report just yet except that our development team is aware of it and there is still a note listed on it to come back and update this thread once the issue has been fixed. Thanks for your continued patience 🙏

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    JigsawJigsaw Member Posts: 2

    Same: we need to Archive then Restore a business for a fresh start on a new machine. I'm in the same loop: system repeatedly asks "please disconnect payments" when there are no payments connected that I can see. Maybe tell the user at least the name of the "connection" causing the problem.

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jigsaw, right now this is a known issue, and we're still working towards a resolution. Most people just add a "Z" in front of the business name, so at least it just pushes it to the bottom of the dropdown menu.

    However, it sounds like your intent is different than just getting the business out of your way; I'm more curious about something else: what do you mean by "archive and restore a business on a new machine"? I only ask because if you wanted to use a different device to access Wave, you'd just login from our site on a different device. In addition, if you want to move the data from a Wave account into another Wave account, archiving the business wouldn't help with that. Instead, you'd want to export your data (which you can do from the Settings tab), and then use that data to start a fresh Wave account. I'm still not sure if I'm totally reading this properly, but I figured it was worth probing into a bit further.

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    BonejamBonejam Member Posts: 1

    Very ready for this to be fixed.

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    weeeezzllweeeezzll Member Posts: 1

    Update? I have a business I created in error and now i'm just kind of stuck with it in the list. It's quite annoying.

    Payment/Bank connections really should be a per business setting so that changes to one business don't effect others. Having to disable payments on active businesses to archive an old one could cause issues payment processing during that period of time.

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    JustineGrzybJustineGrzyb Member Posts: 4

    Any update on archiving a business? It's been almost 3 years since someone from the Wave team promised it'd be resolved soon...

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @JustineGrzyb,

    I'm afraid that at the moment, we are still working on a resolution for this issue. As soon as we have a resolution, we'll make an update on this thread. Thanks for your patience so far :smile:

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