How to change email address that the reminder invoice uses

OzdownunderOzdownunder Member Posts: 4

Hi I set up my Wave account years ago, I just recently sent some reminders for unpaid invoices, I have noticed that it is using another of my email addresses to send it, how do I change the email address to the Companies email address?
Thanks in advance


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Ozdownunder,

    The email for those reminders is always going to be your Wave account's primary email address. To change that email address, click on the name of your business on the top-left of the page, when logged on to Wave, and go to "Manage your profile. Then, go to "Emails and Connected Accounts". You'll be able to add new email addresses and change which of your email addresses is the primary address on the account from there.

  • PascalDPascalD Member Posts: 1

    Same question for me... Following your step but the "emails and connected accounts " is no
    t available

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @PascalD You will only see this option available if you've created a password for your Wave account. You can create a password by clicking Password in the menu you have depicted in your screenshot.

  • mandy5230mandy5230 Member Posts: 2

    I'm still having an issue with this solution. I have multiple businesses linked to the same account, and it makes no sense for me to switch my primary emails all the time. They need to have their own primary emails to send invoices and reminders automatically. Can I request that feature?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @mandy5230 . We appreciate your insight into this. I'll pass your sentiments surrounding this feature along to the team so they know we have a user requesting it.

  • mommyof4grlzmommyof4grlz Member Posts: 21

    I agree. I switch my primary email to whichever business I'm working with at the time but that is a huge pain in the rump. If you are going to allow us to track multiple businesses I would be nice if we could assign an email to each business.

  • j246j246 Member Posts: 2

    I am not seeing anything that allows me to change or add an email account. Is there anyone that can assist?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @j246

    Not sure if you were able to action Alexia's advice:

    The email for those reminders is always going to be your Wave account's primary email address. To change that email address, click on the name of your business on the top-left of the page, when logged on to Wave, and go to "Manage your profile. Then, go to "Emails and Connected Accounts". You'll be able to add new email addresses and change which of your email addresses is the primary address on the account from there.

    You'll first want to add that new email and make it your primary. Once you've done this logging into the correct email will allow you to send reminders from that particular email.

  • j246j246 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the response. However, there is nothing that relates to "email"which will allow me to make any changes. It's very frustrating.
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @j246 , can you send us a screenshot of the page where you're not seeing the necessary steps?

    Let us know!

  • AlexaDAlexaD Member Posts: 1

    I also would love for you to add the feature so we can set a different invoice sending email for each business. I currently have 2 businesses under one account and also would like to be able to send invoices from 2 separate email addresses without having to switch the "primary" email address each time. This definitely won't work for auto-reminders and annual automatic invoices.

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