
Province Serbia and invoice customization

Ivanm983Ivanm983 Member Posts: 1

First of all I have been using wave for a year now and I recommend it wherever and whenever I can.
I have 2 issues i need help with.
First - in provinces section for my country (Serbia) you have only two provinces without majority of the country yet i can't save the information for my business without selecting one of them. Here it is not illegal not to write the province form where you are but it is illegal to say that your business is in one and it is not. This is rendering Wave useless for me. Are there any plans on adding Central Serbia or just Serbia, or just making it possible not to select province?
Second - the format for invoices here calls that you add your bank account number, business identification number and personal identification number. I have managed to fit this into memo section but the form that country uses is that this is underneath information, above site, phone numbers etc. Are there plans to add more customization options that will make this possible?

edited October 9, 2018 in Technical Support


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    Michelle_AMichelle_A Member Posts: 45 admin

    @Ivanm983 Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We definitely want the software do accommodate all our users as much as possible, so bringing this to light is really helpful. There is no immediate ETA for if or when we can see this implemented, but that certainly does not negate the significance of it. In a similar vein, while we are constantly focused on introducing more features to make invoicing as user friendly as possible, there is not a concrete timeline for when we'll see new fields when customizing invoices.

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