How to Undo Deleted Transactions

Breakaway007Breakaway007 Member Posts: 2

Hi all,

I have an issue where somehow there are some transactions deleted. I have no idea how many was deleted and how far back. Is there a way to recover or UNDO deleted transactions. Our company uses a program and its actually impossible to delete transactions you can only archive them but there is always a trace of the transaction.

I have an issue where some clients are claiming they paid but the transactions are not showing up on their statements but it did show up in the bank statements. I just want to make sure the Wave matches the old Bank transactions 100%. The account has been active for over 3 years.

I really would appreciate some help


  • Michelle_AMichelle_A Member Posts: 45 admin

    Hi @Breakaway007- I am afraid I'm going to have to be the bearer of bad news here. To comply with laws designed to protect you and your information, when you delete your data, Wave is not permitted to keep this. Unfortunately, this information cannot be recovered. For now, I would recommend actioning a bank reconciliation to begin comparing what is in your Wave account vs your bank account to see what could be specifically missing. You will then have to manually recreate the missing transactions. Hopefully that can help get you started!

  • Breakaway007Breakaway007 Member Posts: 2

    Hi, I was afraid that would be the answer. In some other applications that i used you can archive transactions but never delete them, maybe something you can suggest to the development team.

    Thanks for getting back to me

  • andrew_versyy_comandrew_versyy_com Member Posts: 1

    seems that competitive apps like Xero don't delete the transaction, but rather archive it allowing for a restore

  • JashJash Member Posts: 4

    I was trying to duplicate a transaction and simply deleted it. There should at least be a warning saying you are about to delete, etc.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Jash! Thanks for your feedback on this. There is a warning when you delete a transaction from the main transaction page, but no warning when you click the trash can icon beside 'duplicate transaction'. I agree with you that there should be an extra warning here! I'd be happy to pass your feedback on.

  • JashJash Member Posts: 4

    Thank you, Emma. Those buttons are very close together. I hope you will find a way to separate them in the future.

  • isaacjacobsisaacjacobs Member Posts: 4

    I was trying to bulk Edit transactions. This is now going to cost me HOURS to fix. Every delete everywhere needs a confirmation. This is the most basic of basics. A more modern alternative is an undo function but BOTH is even better in cases like this.

    I'm staring at a screen that says "44 transactions deleted successfully" with a close button and no undo button. So much of what Wave does is great it's sad they seriously have got something this simple so wrong.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @isaacjacobs, thanks for reaching out here. I'm very sorry for the unfortunate circumstance you've found yourself in here. I've made sure to flag your feedback for future considerations to the platform.

  • isaacjacobsisaacjacobs Member Posts: 4

    @ConnorM said:
    Hey @isaacjacobs, thanks for reaching out here. I'm very sorry for the unfortunate circumstance you've found yourself in here. I've made sure to flag your feedback for future considerations to the platform.

    Thanks for flaggin it. Anything that improves the workflow is a win for everyone.

    I guess one thing you guys must come across with this industry is people often don't enjoy doing the non-core business work and are often trying to move throught it quickly to meet a deadline or just with as much ease and least resistance as possible.

  • TheOfficeDelegateTheOfficeDelegate Member Posts: 1

    OMG 104 Transaction on a bulk edit was clicked and POOF GONE!!! You really need to fix this option to at least put a LARGE PROMPT before deleting! Hours of work wasted and now generated and I was ALMOST DONE 2 years of books for client. YOU SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO DELETE BULK TRANSACTIONS WITHOUT 2 STEP VERIFICATION!

  • POLENPOLEN Member Posts: 2

    I am in a similar situation and I understand the reasons why the transactions cannot be restored after being deleted.

    I think that these 2 things are missing, which would have made my recent error much easier to avoid or rectify:

    1) When deleting transactions in bulk -- include how many transactions in the notification. I used the bulk transaction method to delete a single transaction. If the notification said "You are about to delete 30 transactions" I would have realized oops I did not deselect, and thus avoid the issue.

    2) After the transactions are deleted, that notification should also include how many were deleted. Again, then I know what I'm looking for and for how long I should go (ie after I identify 30 missing transactions, then I'm cool and I don't have to continue scouring

    3) Ideally, the notification of "Delete successful" should also a list of transactions -- such as:
    30 transactions have been deleted
    09/18/20 "My transaction description" $100.00
    09/17/20 "My transaction description" $100.00
    09/16/20 "My transaction description" $100.00
    Or something like that.
    I know it can be annoying, but after I realized the magnitude of my error, I can print the screen, select & copy and then paste elsewhere so that I least I have an easy way to verify what I need to do and limit the amount of time dedicated to the task.
    And after I click OK in the confirmation, these wouldn't be saved anywhere.

    I hope I am not the only one who believes this.

    I will appreciate Wave feedback on whether this is feasible. It would be very helpful -- even if at least 1) and 2) above,

    I guess I wasn't paying attention, only freaking, since:

    @isaacjacobs said:
    I'm staring at a screen that says "44 transactions deleted successfully" with a close button and no undo button. So much of what Wave does is great it's sad they seriously have got something this simple so wrong.

    So then sorry about that. The rest stands :blush:

    edited October 12, 2020
  • EliezerEliezer Member Posts: 4

    @EmmaP said:
    Hi @Jash! Thanks for your feedback on this. There is a warning when you delete a transaction from the main transaction page, but no warning when you click the trash can icon beside 'duplicate transaction'. I agree with you that there should be an extra warning here! I'd be happy to pass your feedback on.

    Hi, almost a year passed by and this feature was not added. It should NOT take a year to just add a deletion confirmation especially since there no recovery option

  • JohnSimerlinkJohnSimerlink Member Posts: 1

    This is kind of ridiculous. It should not take that long to add a client side "confirm delete" button.

    Next business I start I don't think I'm going to use Wave for accounting.

    edited February 27, 2021
  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Thank you everyone for sharing your feedback and thoughts on the lack of confirm of delete option. At this stage I have no further news on when/if this particular feature would be available but we appreciate everyone's feedback on this.

  • JenniferMaeJenniferMae Member Posts: 1

    I am another user begging you to have an undo function. I thought I was deleting just one transaction but the confirmation said I deleted two. I have no idea what was accidentally checked, and no way to know how to restore it without going through hundreds of transactions. Other web-based apps allow an undo function, sure you you can to? Thank you.

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