
New Features

dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

Heya Team,

Loving the new look, but when are the new features rolling out as well? I'm trying to follow items from the Help Centre (This one specifically), but as my account is still the old way I had to hunt around how to do all the steps as this stuff is all new to me.


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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    Oh and now I've just uploaded a personal receipt and accepted it, and it's not showing up in my transaction list. I've deleted it and tried again, still nothing.

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    schlesingers_5schlesingers_5 Member Posts: 2

    Two features would be useful:

    1. Provide the CATEGORY column in the Transactions Report, perhaps in lieu of the Description Column.
    2. Provide a link to the Receipt Image in the Transactions Report
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    Michelle_AMichelle_A Member Posts: 45 admin

    Hey there, @dpDesignz and @schlesingers_5! Thank you for reaching out and for the great feature suggestions! We are still migrating accounts over to the new platform- you'll have access to the new features as soon as possible, but unfortunately I cannot provide an ETA right now!

    Just to follow up on your receipt issue, @dpDesignz; has this appeared in your Transactions yet? If not, could you let me know through what method you uploaded it? Thanks!

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    @Michelle_A thanks for getting back to me. I've obviously chosen the wrong time to start actually using your systems properly as I can't follow any of the help centre items 🙁. Hopefully I'll get access soon!

    I just checked and no its still not showing. I uploaded via both Web and Android app. The receipts are showing done, but they're still not in my transaction list.

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @dpDesignz

    Thanks for letting me know! I can see that receipts have posted in your Wave account, although they were directed to your Personal profile, rather than your business profile. If you check in the Personal tab, you should see them in Purchases > Receipts. To submit them to your business in the mobile app, make sure you've clicked the gear icon in the top right corner, and are viewing your business rather than your Personal profile. Please let me know if you're still having any difficulties with this!

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25
    @Ryan_W thanks for responding, however that's not the issue. The receipt is meant to be uploading to my personal account, they're not showing up in my transaction list though.
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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    Quite odd indeed @dpDesignz. Can you confirm the status on the receipt on the Receipts page in your personal account? Verified receipts should in turn generate a transaction on your Transactions page. Also, sometimes the date format may be pulled incorrectly from the receipt (i.e. MM-DD-YYYY vs. DD-MM-YYY).

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25
    @Tyler the receipts are showing as done. I'd be very impressed if the system found a 25th month in the year to be able to format it backwards.
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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    Also can't see any receipts in my accounting transactions. I have uploaded receipts via the web and merged them with the relevant payment transactions downloaded from my bank but don't seem to be able to get to the receipt again.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @Polstead to confirm, are those receipts missing from Purchases > Receipts too? Once you've merged them, they (sort of) disappear in the sense that you will need to select the bank transactions they were merged with, which should detail all of the transactions that have been merged.

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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    So, in the old system (before latest update):

    1. Captured receipt in Purchases > Receipts.
    2. At some later point connected to bank and downloaded payment transactions. At this point two transactions appeared under Accounting > Transactions (the receipt and the bank payment).
    3. Merged the receipt with the corresponding payment transaction and marked the merged transaction as verified. This would eliminate the duplicated transaction.
    4. We could then drill-down on the merged transaction to get the underlying receipt and payment transactions. Essential for audit work.

    The new system seems to handle the merging of transactions albeit in a different way but the transactions that were merged before have now all disappeared. The source receipts are still there (under Purchases > Receipts) and the payment transactions are still there (under Accounting > Transactions) but you just can't drill-down to get the supporting receipt (and there is no 'View source transactions' option/link).

    edited November 15, 2018
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    TARTAR Member Posts: 6

    We are a year old roofing company and neither one of us has accounting education, however we were just beginning to finally figure out a few things that helped us manage the day to day. I'm going to be straight forward, these "new features" are really hurting our ability to get anything done. There are so many problems for us, I don't even know where to start. The biggest road block I've found is that I can no longer go into my transactions and sort them by dollar amount! I use this feature every single day to FIND my duplicates (one bank download, and one imported receipt). So that I can merge them and not have double the income and double the expenses. Now I have no idea what Im going to do, have any suggestions on how I can sort through hundreds of unverified (now called not reviewed?) transactions to find the matching duplicates? Also where the heck did the access to the image of the receipts from the transaction go??? Another feature that I have no idea how to function without. Please tell me there's a way to go back to the old version?

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TAR!

    You can still use the search function to sort by dollar amount in the new version. Just click Search in the top right corner of the Transactions page, type the amount, and click enter. This'll bring them up!

    @Polstead I know I mentioned this to you as well in another thread, but I wanted to confirm for both of you that the ability to access the receipt images directly from the transaction view is now restored in the new version of Wave.

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Polstead I'd love to dig into this a little deeper as it doesn't sound like typical behaviour. I'll be sending you a ticket shortly so that we can further investigate into this situation specifically, as it is slightly different than the rest of the concerns in this thread.

    @TAR In terms of searching for duplicates, my personal way of doing this is to use the Keyboard Shortcut [Command +F](I work from a Mac) when on my transactions page. This allows me to find any other transactions of the same amount and determine if they are duplicates. In terms of the receipt link, there should be one in the transaction that is created by Wave in your transactions.

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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    @Ryan_W I can see the 'View receipt' link but it does nothing. When I hover over it it shows 'javascript:void(0)'.

    @JordanFromWave That will be great! Thanks.

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    TARTAR Member Posts: 6

    @JordanFromWave said:
    @Polstead I'd love to dig into this a little deeper as it doesn't sound like typical behaviour. I'll be sending you a ticket shortly so that we can further investigate into this situation specifically, as it is slightly different than the rest of the concerns in this thread.

    @TAR In terms of searching for duplicates, my personal way of doing this is to use the Keyboard Shortcut [Command +F](I work from a Mac) when on my transactions page. This allows me to find any other transactions of the same amount and determine if they are duplicates. In terms of the receipt link, there should be one in the transaction that is created by Wave in your transactions.

    @jordanfromwave can you tell me how do I do this with a pc? Like can you tell me specifically what page, what buttons, etc.?

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    TARTAR Member Posts: 6

    the receipts in the transactions are not working. I click on the view receipts and it does nothing.

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    TARTAR Member Posts: 6

    the receipt link in transactions is not working. I can't open any of my receipts to view them

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    PolsteadPolstead Member Posts: 11

    My receipts are also still not available via the 'View receipt' option on the merged transaction.

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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @TAR, if you are using a Windows PC, you can navigate to the Accounting>Transactions page and then click [Ctrl+F] . This will bring up your browser's search field; you can type your search queries here. Any matches will be highlighted on the page.

    While we are not experiencing any outages with our receipt links, I can also send you a separate email so that we can dig deeper into the issue you are experiencing. Please let me know if you don't receive this email.

    @Polstead I let Jordon know of your comment, but you can continue that dialogue in the email conversation you have with him, as it will be easier for us to troubleshoot and escalate to developers if required.

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    Sarah123Sarah123 Member Posts: 2

    @Erik - this is a workaround but definitely doesn't work as smoothly as just being able to sort. For example, I have hundreds of transactions a month, many with the same dollar amount so just using command F will help me find them one by one instead of visually organizing them to quickly be able to delete duplicates / merge invoice payments etc.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Sarah123 Appreciate the feedback here. We are definitely looking into adding a search by dollar amount on the transaction page (as well as the invoice page) for the future, but we don't have any immediate plans as to when this will be added.

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    Sarah123Sarah123 Member Posts: 2

    Just to be clear - actually am interested in a return of the "sort" feature with ascending / descending according to amount.

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    Any update on my account upgrade team? I'm a very small account so find it hard to comprehend why it's taking so long? When I last checked 3 months ago I was told I'm in the final "3%". What's happening??

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @dpDesignz . We still have about 3% of our accounts to migrate over. We're working out a few kinks that we faced during migration at the begging of the year. When we've worked out these issues and we know that we can effectively migrate all of your historical data over without compromising it, you'll be moved to our new platform. I understand that this waiting period can be frustrating, but we really do need to ensure that your information is left intact, as this is the most important thing for us. The continuation of migration should be happening in the next few months although we don't have an exact ETA at the moment.

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    @alexlewiszarkos said:
    Hey @dpDesignz . We still have about 3% of our accounts to migrate over. We're working out a few kinks that we faced during migration at the begging of the year. When we've worked out these issues and we know that we can effectively migrate all of your historical data over without compromising it, you'll be moved to our new platform. I understand that this waiting period can be frustrating, but we really do need to ensure that your information is left intact, as this is the most important thing for us. The continuation of migration should be happening in the next few months although we don't have an exact ETA at the moment.

    I was told the exact same thing in February. What's happening? Like I said I'm an insanely small account so I don't understand what the delay is. I have hardly any data in there because I've been holding off on waiting for the new version. I'm seriously looking at shifting elsewhere. I understand this is a free platform, but I'd rather be paying for something I get results from than being held back from a free product who constantly avoid actual non-generic answers.

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @dpDesignz , In the spirit of full transparency, we have temporarily paused migration for the remainder of users still on our older accounting software. The reason for this is that some of our updated features have not been very well received by users that have been migrated, we have gathered a lot of feedback and off of that we are improving and changing some of the new features to provide the best user experience that we can. Not until these updates have been completed and rolled out to the best of our ability will we continue migrating the rest of our users over.

    I do not currently have an ETA on when your account will be migrated, but it will be soon! Our Product Team is working tirelessly to get all updates completed and provide you with the best product that we can.

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    dpDesignzdpDesignz Member Posts: 25

    @Zoe_caff said:
    Hey @dpDesignz , In the spirit of full transparency, we have temporarily paused migration for the remainder of users still on our older accounting software. The reason for this is that some of our updated features have not been very well received by users that have been migrated, we have gathered a lot of feedback and off of that we are improving and changing some of the new features to provide the best user experience that we can. Not until these updates have been completed and rolled out to the best of our ability will we continue migrating the rest of our users over.

    I do not currently have an ETA on when your account will be migrated, but it will be soon! Our Product Team is working tirelessly to get all updates completed and provide you with the best product that we can.

    Thank you so much for this explanation Zoe. I really appreciate your honesty. Now that I know it has been paused I will continue using the current version I'm on as I now know there's no point holding off doing my paperwork while waiting for the updates if there's no confirmed ETA and my tax return is due in a month. Thank you again :)

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    nadworksnadworks Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    Incredibly refreshing to finally get some honesty from the WAVE Team. Why is that so difficult?
    Projects like this are tricky to get right - everyone understands that. But the method of dragging it out with lame excuses instead of honest explanations has never worked.
    So, thanks for saying it out loud.

    I, too, have no problem waiting until this surfaced batch of necessary improvements has been implemented. Just happy to finally know what's been going on.

    edited May 31, 2019
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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @nadworks I'm glad that @Zoe_caff was able to resonate with you and your understanding is really appreciated. It sounds like in the past you haven't felt like you have received the transparency that you've been looking for and I could understand the frustration around that. If you're open to sharing your past experience and have a couple of minutes to spare, feel free to send me a DM! I'd love to continue the conversation and collect your feedback in terms of where we might have been able to get you this sort of experience sooner :)

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