
Delete/Remove Refunded Invoice

DGreenDGreen Member Posts: 3

Can someone please tell me how to delete a refunded invoice that was paid and refunded via stripe? It's just sitting there 'Overdue'.


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    DGreenDGreen Member Posts: 3

    I have tried the obvious 'Delete' - but it comes up with an error. I'm assuming this is because the transactions recorded to it (payment and refund).

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    DGreenDGreen Member Posts: 3

    Cool. So no one knows? Haha great. I get that Wave is free so can't expect too much but a simple delete or write off option would be good.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @DGreen if you have an invoice you're certain you aren't going to collect on, you may want to write it off. You can find a step-by-step guide to doing this here in our Help Center.

    edited October 12, 2018
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