How to categorize Credit Card Expenses?

baiyunronbaiyunron Member Posts: 1

The myriad of posts all seem to be about the Credit Card payment from the bank account --- that's easy, it's just a transfer. However, I am confused how to categorize my credit card transactions. I use the credit card for ALL our expenses. Yet when I load my csv from Chase credit card, all my transactions are listed as INCOME. The only way I can get them to post as an expense is to manually go to each transaction and change from "Deposit" to "withdrawal" Am I missing something big here?


  • TrevorMTrevorM Member Posts: 1

    I'm also struggling with this... I use my credit card for all my expenses and want to categorize them like expenses, however i'm unable to set my taxes paid for payables to recover the taxes.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @baiyunron it sounds like there might be an issue with the file formatting if this is happening; I know this is a really old parent post, so you may have figured this out already, but if this is still happening let me know and we can exchange the file over email.

    @TrevorM I'm not sure what you're getting at; apologies for that. Categorizing the transaction is a bit different from your tax settings. Are you saying that the taxes you created aren't marked as recoverable, so you're hesitant to apply these taxes to your transactions? If so, you just need to create a new tax that's marked as "Recoverable", apply it to your expense transactions accordingly, and then your totals will generate in the Sales Tax Report. I'm not sure if I'm quite getting it right now, so please don't hesitate to follow up with more clarification!

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