mysterious Cash & Uncategorized Income entry

GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

See screen shots. I originally made a journal entry that i did not like so I deleted it. I then made a proper entry to DR my bank account & CR Income for sale of a property. It's properly annotated on the PNL on 4910. Unfortunately, there is a Cash & Uncategorized Income entry that cancels each other out, but has no associated entry to justify it's existence. The hyper links bring me to zero transactions. All transactions in my journal are properly categorized. I believe these 2 opposing entries are from my deleted journal entry, so it's just lingering and needs to be cleared on your end.

To make matters worse, my cash flow statement doesn't reflect the sale of the property. It's a 6 figure sale so it's clearly not showing in Sales. Are you guys able to fix these 2 problems on your end?


Cash Flow


  • TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    Definitely looks like something is up @GoodAccounting! I am going to follow up with you directly via email as we will need more insight into what/where is happening to get to the bottom of it.

  • GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    Hi Tyler. It went away by itself. Crazy? Took about 5 days but it just disappeared. I only have 1 more outstanding issue on another thread. Thanks for the followup!!

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