
Chart of acct by number

blown572blown572 Member Posts: 1

Is there a way to make the COA list accounts numerically, not alphabetically? It's pretty frustrating to add numbers to the accts that don't file numerically.


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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @blown572,

    Unfortunately the CoA doesn't list numerically. Instead, these account IDs are included for people who want to line up with accounting conventions for labelling the accounts. That said, I'm happy to pass this feedback along for you! Please let me know if you have other suggestions.

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    NormonetNormonet Member Posts: 3

    Hi! I'm new to Wave and have just finished allocating account ID's but can't seem to find a way to print any report with these ID's. Could that be added as a filter/option on Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and P&L?

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    Kim_LKim_L Member Posts: 1

    HI, I'm a brand new user, but my workaround for this is to name the account starting with an account number rather than using the account ID. e.g. name = 1000 Bank, rather than Bank with account ID 1000.

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    MitchellGillespieMitchellGillespie Member Posts: 17 admin

    Hi @Kim_L, @Normonet, and @blown572...

    Thank you for your feedback on this topic. Our accounting team has prioritized attention on the Chart of Accounts page (and its reporting impacts) in Q2 and Q3 of this year. During that work we will use this feedback to help improve the experience. @Kim_L Thank you for your recommended work around.

    To any customers visiting this forum post, I encourage you add more feedback about how you want to utilize the CoA identifications numbers within our platform. The more information we receive the better we can build our product.

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    SofwanSofwan Member Posts: 1

    meaning that Wave doesn't offer any reports with account ID/code on it? Am I right?

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sofwan, that would be correct. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

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