Profit and loss statement

TosinTosin Member Posts: 1

Hi, we are a new business and i have zero accounting background. I generated a Q3 P and L statement,and its not adding up, for the cost of goods segment,a particular bill is debited under the product sales details,such that it is debited from the income,and this is not so for all the bills in Q3,just that particular one. It is not now reflecting in the amount spent on cost goods. Please what could be the problem?


  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @Tosin ! From this vantage, it's difficult to say what the problem could be. Could you share a little bit more information? For example, screenshots of the bill and/or the statement, and the items on the bill (keep in mind that most of the forum is public so you'll want to obfuscate or crop out any personally identifying information).

    edited October 12, 2018
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