Cash Flow double lines

GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

See picture. Not sure why it's showing the Accounts twice. I have troubleshot & can't remove it. The account with $$ values are correct. Then there is a $0.00 line item. The $0.00 shouldn't be there ... ??


  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @GoodAccounting! The accounts you've highlighted look like they were added manually, so if you have duplicate accounts you can go ahead and actually delete or archive them under Accounting > Chart of Accounts.

  • GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    That's true. They were added manually. But they've been used multiple years for transactions. All those $0.00 Accounts were actually used. For example 3910 Owner's Draw has -$2,586.21. Then 3910 Owner's Draw is showing up again as $0.00. I don't have duplicates in my COA. It's only one entry, but showing up 2x in cash flow for different amounts, with the $0.00 being wrong.

    So deleting the COA entry isn't an option.

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @GoodAccounting, I sent you a follow-up email so that we could dive in a bit deeper into your account and further troubleshoot this issue with you! Please let me know if you don't see that email

    edited October 24, 2018
  • GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    @Erik I got the email. Just waiting for someone at Wave to contact me looks like. Thanks.

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @GoodAccounting The email I sent you did have some information contained in it awaiting your response. Would you be able to check one more time to see if my full message is present in your inbox?

  • GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    @Erik Thanks for the followup. Don't think i received your email. This is all i have. Checked the junk & all that.

    "Your request (797448) has been received by our Customer Support Team.
    You can expect a member of our team to follow up with you within 0-1 business days."

  • ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    @GoodAccounting thank you the update. I've sent you a new email that should be reaching you. Please let me know if you are still experiencing any issues with this

  • GoodAccountingGoodAccounting Member Posts: 29

    @Erik I've seen & responded to both emails asking for permission to access my account. The emails are coming from 'support' so not sure if you're getting the responses on your end or if they go to an abyss. Either way, you have permission to access & troubleshoot. Thanks. It's in the Cash flow report under the account starting with 207

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