
Categorisation / currencies / usability / new look

nadworksnadworks Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

I'm currently wasting a lot of time correcting WAVE's false categorisation of my expenses. Regular, identical payments to/from the same vendors should be customisable and quickly adapt my set categorisation (utilities, subscriptions, memberships etc.). I.e. fuel in Great Britain will NEVER be called "gas". so please allow me to once and for all mark my gas supplier as "Utilities", not "vehicle - fuel" over and over again. (this is just one of hundreds of ridiculous examples)

Make WAVE truly global:
Your focus on North America is understandable, but you're missing a vital trick: even North American businesses are dealing with the rest of the world. WAVE is still not capable of genuinely consolidating currency invoicing. The number of hoops and workarounds I have to deploy to mark a EURO invoice as paid based on the funds that came into my GBP bank account are lame, to say the least. More flexibility and an easier workflow would be hugely desirable. It would also finally make me recommend WAVE to many of my friends with small businesses, which I have shied away from so far because of bugs.

New look & feel:
Not an improvement in my opinion. It's lost clarity and consistency which resulted in a loss of usability and intuitive workflow. Colours are not clear enough -, especially within the accounting tables. Font size/width has made some break and cut off points even worse, compromising legibility. Focus on a non-issue has made WAVE a harder to use platform. I'm not opposed to change, but I do value usability testing before a launch. Pretty buttons don't justify a reskin if functionality suffers.

Ease of use:
There are many things I keep thinking about but never bothered to note down when I came across them. But one re-occurring bugbear is that it's not possible to do more bulk actions, i.e. bulk move a number of transactions from the business to the private account. It's always one by one. I often have to use my business cc for the odd personal purchase when I'm on the road. It's quite tedious to then move each individual position to my personal account when it could simply be a bulk action and be done with it.


  • Fix Paypal integrations
  • Offer alternatives to Stripe, who are simply too slow to complete transfers in today's age where I expect immediate transfers for a fee and would only accept a 5-6 day transfer delay if the transaction was free.
  • Open banking should now enable you to include more international banks and financial institutions


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    cgaraicgarai Member Posts: 17

    I agree entirely with the exception of the currency issues which I don't use. In order of importance to me:
    1. Bulk move of transactions to personal or other businesses.
    2. Categorization. There should definitely be a training option. In fact Wave should never assume without prior approval. When Wave is making incorrect categorizations that means I have to go through every transaction to make sure it is in the correct place.
    3.Look and Feel. Definitely didn't improve IMHO. My particular gripe: Verified is barely distinguihsable from Unverified. Not a huge deal, but doesn't help. Glad I'm not color blind.

    To these I would add:
    1. Data Refresh. Especially in Transactions where I spend most of my time. Any change that affects more than one transaction can take more than 30 seconds to refresh. This is the worst part of Wave and almost pushes me to look else where.
    2. Date ranges in Transactions. This is very tedious. Every time I change start or end date I have to wait 10-40 seconds for the data to refresh. I would much prefer that dates operate as they do in reports where you can modify each date and then hit update. Of course that wouldn't be so bad if the data refresh was just a second or two.

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    cgaraicgarai Member Posts: 17

    I forgot another suggestion.
    1. Pre Defined Date ranges in Reports. Tedious to hand change the dates to a previous year or significant period. Why not have a dropdown that offers Current Year/Last Year/Current Fiscal Year/Last Fiscal Year/Current Quarter/etc...
    And of course the most used selections should appear at the top of the list.
    Thank you,

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    cgaraicgarai Member Posts: 17

    That was fast. I just noticed that Verified transactions are now a solid green rather than an outline in green which is what I was complaining about. Much more obvious. Thanks!

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    nadworksnadworks Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    @cgarai said:
    That was fast. I just noticed that Verified transactions are now a solid green rather than an outline in green which is what I was complaining about. Much more obvious. Thanks!

    Yes, noticed that too. It has come up a few times within other threads though, and since it's a simple CSS change, I bet it was a doddle to update. Thanks!

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