
Any upcoming features/improvements Wave has in the works?

TimKTimK Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

You guys just rolled out a new design and a couple of new features, but what's in the pipeline? I know companies hate to provide dates, and sometimes any information at all, but I think it would help a lot of users to know if important features are "on the way". You guys ask us for requests, ask us to detail our workflows, ask us about integrations, etc. It would be nice to know what is actually in the works as well as things that may be on the roadmap but not yet being worked on. Please share whatever you can.




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    James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey @TimK , if you want to keep up with releases as they happen, feel free to check out the Brave new Wave space in the community.

    If you want to get a bit ahead of current releases and get involved in helping shape our roadmap, you can sign up here to become a Wave Innovator!

    edited October 18, 2018
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    mclunepivotmclunepivot Member Posts: 9

    the brave new wave link did not work for me. Is this something I can still follow

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mclunepivot - we've done some moving around of our community, so there is actually a feature section in each subsection of Wave (Invoices, Payroll, etc). Was there anything in particular you were looking for? I can help direct you to the best area. We are also looking at ways we can be more transparent regarding what may be coming down the pipeline, so keep an eye out for that!

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    mclunepivotmclunepivot Member Posts: 9

    @Samd Thank you for information on features being in each section. Since you asked, a couple of things come to mind. I would like to see the capability to enter recurring bills like other accounting software tools do.

    On Estimates, I would like to see an online acceptance of the estimate. I would like to be able to move items up or down on an estimate like the invoice. Plus when an estimate is converted to an invoice the status of that estimate should say 'Converted' and not eventually go to expired after it goes beyond it's due date. This way you will know which estimates converted to orders or invoices a great metric for a business to have, and you will see exactly which ones have truly expired and did not come to fruition

    If I need to post these under each of the feature section in each appropriate category I will


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Thanks for the additional feature requests you've laid out here for us @mclunepivot ! I will say that exploring different customizations for estimates and invoices is something that we may look at in the future, but we still don't have any immediate timetable as to when/what that will look like from our side. Keep an eye out though, and appreciate the thoughts you've shared with us.

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    SplashEngineSplashEngine Member Posts: 3

    +1 on Recurring Bills, since that lengthy discussion has been closed.

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