Bills Missing

tristtrist Member Posts: 3

Under the Purchases > Bills section I can see a list of the bills I have entered, however, if I click on a bill I get an error page. Server error?

Error code: 500 • Error reference ID: 1eadd8024afa4644beeb6758c9ca6515
edited October 12, 2018 in Technical Support


  • Reis18Reis18 Member Posts: 1

    I have the same issue with my site. I try to open a bill and the same error shows to me.
    Error code: 500 • Error reference ID: 19115ac189b24d9eb9cd3319f2be5618

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @trist thank you for taking the time to report this issue. Our team identified the problem this morning and it has been resolved. Please let us know if you see anything else unexpected.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Reis18 thank you for sharing the reference ID. I've merged your post into this discussion as the other was actually a separate issue. The good news is, both are now resolved! Please let me know if you see anything else that seems unusual.

    While you’re here, we’d also love to hear from you in [this post] if you have a few minutes now or later this weeked. :)

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