
Item Price in USD but invoice in another currency

ArmaghanArmaghan Member Posts: 1

I am an old user of waveapps and recommending waveapps to many clients regularly. Currently I am facing a problem that the item price is in USD but need to send invoice in some other currency. Wouldn't it be nice if the total invoice amount automatically gets translated in other currency set for the customer. For example my item price is $100 set in waveapps, the customer is in UK and the currency set for him is pounds, so whenever i send an invoice or recurring invoice, it should send the invoice with amount in pounds translated from $100 at the rate of invoice sending date which would be taken from xe.com. Currently if we change the currency on invoice it only changes the currency symbol and the amount of 100 remains the same. So $100 becomes 100 pounds.
I hope I am able to explain the situation. what are the solutions available to this scenario?


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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @Armaghan, at this time this is not a feature that is available in Wave, I completely understand where you are coming from with your suggested workflow.

    Thank you for offering details about your desired use-case! I can definitely bring this up with the teams here so that they can look into this for future updates to Wave!

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