Can I customize the default response for customer receipts after they pay an invoice?

Upon the payment of an invoice it gives me the option to send the client a receipt. Is there a way to customize the default text (sampled below)? I know I can customize invoices and estimates, but can't seem to find anything on this. I know I can edit this text before I send it, but I'm hoping there's a solution to change it by default for all receipts going forward so they are consistent and I don't have to manually type what I want to add in.
Hi [Client],
Here's your payment receipt for Invoice #6, for $200.00 USD.
You can always view your receipt online, at:
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Katy Rogers Art Studio
@KatyRogersArt no means of setting a default for receipt reminders but it certainly seems like a logical way of improving that part of Wave (since Estimates and Invoices can, why not add them to Reminders?). They will always populate with that same wording (which is our default) so perhaps having a Google Doc to copy and paste your default would save some time until we get it to your desired level in Wave.
I would also like this as an option.
Please make these receipts something we can edit and customize. I am in counselling and my receipts need to have my full name, license # and other information relevant to allow the patient to get reimburse from their insurance company. I can get it on my invoice ,but not on the receipt where it is needed. Please change receipts and allow us to make them unique!
Appreciate the insight here @guidedpathcg. We still don't have any ETA of when our users will be able to customize the receipts that get sent out, but it's valuable for you to come on here and share what you do for your business, and why this feature would be good for you in Wave. How would you like to see the workflow/functionality of this feature in Wave?
The receipts don't currently show what the customer purchased, which is important to me as I will not always send an invoice first. Since customers pay for my service before I provide it, listing the services offered on the receipt is also a way of confirming that they know what they paid for.
I also operate in Québec and need to make all the documents I send to clients in French and English.
I find the layout of the receipt unattractive and lacking information. Ideally in Settings there would be an edit receipts option like there is with Invoices.
I have also requested that the Receipt should select the first name from the customer details where it says 'Hi ....' instead of the Customer Name which could be a Business Name or a last name of the person, or at least that is an option for customization.
Also looking for this option. It's been a couple of years since the last post on this topic.