
Login, paying Bills, Receipts not being reported

ShashaShasha Member Posts: 1

Hey all,

First time poster here.

I've noticed a few glitches here and there while using the new look Wave (which looks great btw!):
1. Sometimes I try to login and the site brings me to a 404 error page ... if I clear my browser cache it usually fixes the issue, but this has been happening a lot more frequently after the updates - any suggestions?
2. See 1., I can login ok but when I go to pay a Bill, it throws an error and that I need to refresh the page, which doesn't resolve the issue. I have to use incognito mode to login.
3. I've uploaded two receipts the last month using android app, and both of them have been marked as 'paid' however they are not showing up in my Reports or Accounting> Transactions area so that I can't reconcile my downloaded transaction from my bank to the receipt. This is going to be a nightmare for auditing!

Anyone else encounter similar issues?


edited October 19, 2018 in Technical Support
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