
Adding reimbursable receipts to an invoice

bbwackerbbwacker Member Posts: 2

I have recorded my expenses as per the instructions - Claim reimbursable expenses on an invoice (https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000588103-Claim-reimbursable-expenses-on-an-invoice).

I now want to prepare an invoice (with my reimbursable expenses). How do I know which amount to charge? I have found an automatic way for the figure to flow through to the invoice.

As workaround I tried to export a report with my total expenses and enter the amount manually but all the report I have found don't include GST (ie: Sales tax in Australia). Where can i export a report of all my expenses including GST?



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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @bbwacker have you taken a look at the Sales Tax Report? If you don't see your taxes on this report, it may be that the tax is not correctly entered as recoverable. You can learn more about this here. If this is the case, you will need to create a new recoverable tax and apply it to the appropriate transactions.

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