
"Credit card Payments" doesn't show up

GranularGranular Member Posts: 1

The credit card payment does not show on my end. My account is based in the United Arab Emirates. Is the creditcard payments service by wavesapp restricted to certain territories? If anyone knows please share your knowledge.


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Granular! Payments by Wave is supported in Canada and the United States, as well as regions in the rest of the world where Stripe is fully supported. You can find that information here. Stripe is a third party partner through which Wave is currently able to offer payments processing outside of US/CA.

    If your country is not currently supported by Stripe, you may want to contact them to make a request, however we cannot make any promises regarding whether this will be possible in the future. You're more than welcome to keep using Wave's other features. :)

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