
Invoice Numbering + Account Numbers

BenGBenG Member Posts: 1


I'm not sure whether this belongs in this section on the community site, but I'm hopeful someone can help. I have just been setting up an account with Wave, and have added all of my customers details and generally the system seems to work really nicely.

My question is this, when setting up my customer details, I noticed you can assign each customer an 'Account Number', which I went ahead and filled in. I hoped that this number would in-turn prepend or append to the invoice number, so you might for example have AAA0001. This doesn't seem to be the case, and I was wondering whether I have missed something, or if it is indeed possible to amend the way the invoice number is generated?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.



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    TylerKTylerK Member Posts: 94 admin

    Hey @BenG! Thanks for taking the time to post in our Community.

    Invoice numbers will always increase by one-digit depending on the number most recently sent. When creating an invoice, you can add characters (letters to preface) in addition to numbers. If you made Invoice TK-019, saved it and then went to make a new invoice, it should be set to TK-020, then TK-021. Please note that this pattern will be consistent across your entire Wave account, not specifically to each customer.

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