Remembering accounts is unreliable.

eepsmediaeepsmedia Member Posts: 3
  • I connect to the banks and credit cards and load a bunch of expenses.
  • I assign the expenses to accounts, e.g., Travel or Contributions.
  • The next time the same vendor appears (under Description) Wave may or may not remember what account it was assigned to. I get tired of always having to tell Wave that SONIC is my internet provider and not a restaurant.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there some other step?

This would be especially useful for transactions to be moved to Personal; it ought to remember that Trader Joe's is Groceries...failing that, it would be great to be able to do multiple (bulk) assignments of accounts to transactions.


  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey @eepsmedia , we've got a whole internal team working on improving automation throughout Wave, so this is good feedback to have. It's not possible to customize how transactions are automatically categorized in Wave, but over time patterns should be recognized.

    I do my own personal bookkeeping in Wave, and I experience the same thing. I've started looking at any miscategorized transactions as uncategorized, as they require the same amount of clicks to correct as an uncategorized transaction. It makes re-categorizing seem like less of a chore.

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