
How can I adjust Tri Balance Sheet Asset amounts

shahnurarefinshahnurarefin Member Posts: 3

Hi I was trying to fix the problem I currently have in waveapps. My "bkash" account is showing 1149.50 amount in it. But in reality I have 16000 in that account. How can I fix / adjust it without effecting other accounts. Picture given is as a reference.

Thanks in Advance

If you have any problem seeing image.




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    OneSourceSuppliesOneSourceSupplies Member Posts: 5

    I also have the same situation, My Cost of Goods are off by a certain amount, and all of the other figures are bang on with the beginning and Ending Balance. How can you make a Transaction without effecting another account? There is the Account Transfer Clearing, but that is only used for Equity temp holds used by the system on it's own! Is there another account besides the "Uncatoragized Expense"? that clears out improper amounts for YEAR END Adjustments?

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    shahnurarefinshahnurarefin Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for you suggestion. :)

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @OneSourceSupplies @shahnurarefin I think the best way to adjust the balance of these accounts that are showing incorrectly is to create an income or expense (depending on the situation) to that account, and categorize it as 'Owner Equity'. This way it won't show on reports and/or cause your books to become unbalanced.

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