
Receipt Upload from desktop

StackpoleEnterpriseStackpoleEnterprise Member Posts: 2

Two things that bugs me to no end. There's no bulk upload feature and the pop-up box informing me of the successful upload.

When I sit down to do accounting, I'll have 30ish receipts that need uploading. It's labor intensive to upload each one individually from the same folder. I wish I could select all the files and just be done with it. Which gets me to the second point, the button for uploading a new receipt is the exact spot on the screen where the notification that a receipt has been uploaded pops up. So that pop-up has to be closed, before the button can be selected again to upload a new receipt. It takes forever to do all the uploading with lots of mouse movement and clicking.

A third feature which isn't that important, but would be nice, would be to have the ability to crop receipts. Depending on whether I use a flat-bed scanner, or my phone camera to capture the receipt, there's usually background which is unnecessary. It would be nice to be able to crop that out.



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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    @StackpoleEnterprise Sorry about that! You're right - at the moment our receipts uploading process is pretty manual in that it requires doing it one at a time. I will pass on this feedback though, as well as submit feature requests for the issues you've mentioned. I can see how it'd be frustrating to have to close out each success window just to upload another. And also I agree - cropping would make formatting receipts for final upload a lot easier as well.

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    meagermindmeagermind Member Posts: 2

    +1 for everything said in this email.

    As for cropping, I know this is a discussion about the desktop app but I would like cropping to be a feature on the mobile app. After you snap a photo of the receipt, you should be able to drag to the corners to crop everything else out.

    Thanks for your consideration.

    edited August 12, 2019
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @meagermind

    Thanks so much for your feature request. Our team takes a look in the community before making major changes, so all feedback is greatly appreciated.

    I'll be honest I haven't heard of this feature request on our radar for the mobile team just yet. I do however think it's a great idea!

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